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        XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-data:多部分中的边界无效

        XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-data: Invalid boundary in multipart(XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-data:多部分中的边界无效)
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                • 本文介绍了XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-data:多部分中的边界无效的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我正在通过 XMLHttpRequest 发送帖子数据:

                  I am sending post data via XMLHttpRequest:

                  var xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
                  xmlHttp.open("POST", domain, true);
                  var formData = new FormData();  
                  formData.append("data", data_json_string);

                  在 Python 中,如果我尝试获取 POST(或 FILES 或其他任何内容)数据,则会出现错误:

                  In Python, I get an error if I try to get the POST (or FILES or anything) data:

                  MultiPartParserError: Invalid boundary in multipart: None

                  这永远行不通吗?我真的需要将表单主体创建为单个字符串,在其中循环遍历参数并在每个参数之前和之后放置一个边界字符串吗?如果是这样,那应该是什么样子?如何从 Python 中的 POST 中获取它?或者有没有更简单的方法.我环顾四周,并没有找到太多关于此的内容.

                  Can this never work?? Do I really need to create the form body as a single string where I loop through the parameters and place a boundary string before and after each one? And, if so, what should that look like? How do I get it from my POST in Python?? Or is there an easier way. I'm looking around and not finding much on this.

                  顺便说一句,我正在使用multipart/form-data",因为我的字符串数据非常长,这是一种更快的发送方式.当我创建表单并将其发布到 iframe 时,它对我有用.但是这里我更喜欢xmlHttp.

                  btw, I am using "multipart/form-data" because my string data is really long and this is a faster way to send it. It has worked for me when I create a form and post it, targeting it to an iframe. But here I much prefer xmlHttp.


                  不要自己设置 Content-Type 标头..send()数据时会正确设置,包括正确生成的边界,这是您手动生成的标题所缺少的.

                  Do not set the Content-Type header yourself. It will be properly set when .send()ing the data, including the proper generated boundary, which your manually generated header lacks.

                  规范明确指出 .send(FormData) 将使用 multipart/form-data 编码.

                  The spec clearly states that .send(FormData) will use multipart/form-data encoding.

                  如果数据是 FormData

                  If data is a FormData


                  Let the request entity body be the result of running the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm with data as form data set and with UTF-8 as the explicit character encoding.

                  设mime type为multipart/form-data;"、一个U+0020空格字符、boundary="和multipart/form-data编码算法生成的multipart/form-data边界字符串的串联.

                  Let mime type be the concatenation of "multipart/form-data;", a U+0020 SPACE character, "boundary=", and the multipart/form-data boundary string generated by the multipart/form-data encoding algorithm.

                  这篇关于XMLHttpRequest multipart/form-data:多部分中的边界无效的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 on xmlhttprequest(SCRIPT5:在 IE9 中对 xmlhttprequest 的访问被拒绝)
                  XMLHttpRequest module not defined/found(XMLHttpRequest 模块未定义/未找到)
                  Show a progress bar for downloading files using XHR2/AJAX(显示使用 XHR2/AJAX 下载文件的进度条)
                  How can I open a JSON file in JavaScript without jQuery?(如何在没有 jQuery 的情况下在 JavaScript 中打开 JSON 文件?)
                  How do I get the HTTP status code with jQuery?(如何使用 jQuery 获取 HTTP 状态码?)
                  quot;Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Originquot; in Chrome. Why?(“Access-Control-Allow-Origin 不允许 Origin null在铬.为什么?)

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