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      1. HTML5 Canvas 文本围绕圆圈制作动画

        HTML5 Canvas Text Animating around circle(HTML5 Canvas 文本围绕圆圈制作动画)

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                1. 本文介绍了HTML5 Canvas 文本围绕圆圈制作动画的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  Updated what is wrong with the code? I know it doesnt rotate but why is the text screwy.


                  Does anyone know why I am tearing my hair out trying to figure this out

                  function showCircularNameRotating(string, startAngle, endAngle){
                      //context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                      context.font = '32pt Sans-Serif';
                      context.fillStyle = '#1826B0';
                      circle = {
                          x: canvas.width/2,
                          y: canvas.height/2,
                          radius: 200
                      var radius = circle.radius,
                          angleDecrement = (startAngle - endAngle/string.length-1),
                          angle = parseFloat(startAngle),
                          index = 0,
                      while(index <string.length){
                      character = string.charAt(index);
                      context.translate(circle.x + Math.cos(angle) * radius,
                                        circle.y - Math.sin(angle) * radius);
                      context.rotate(Math.PI/2 - angle);
                      context.fillText(character, 0,0);
                      angle -= angleDecrement;




                  Here is a simple approach which you can build upon (I made it right now so it can certainly be optimized and tweaked in various ways).

                  • 这使用了两个对象,一个用于文本本身,一个用于每个字符.
                  • 字符串在文本对象的构造函数中被拆分为 char 对象
                  • 画布旋转
                  • 每个字符都以圆形图案相对于彼此绘制


                  function Text(ctx, cx, cy, txt, font, radius) {
                      this.radius = radius;               // expose so we can alter it live
                      ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';        // use base of char for rotation
                      ctx.textAlign = 'center';           // center char around pivot
                      ctx.font = font;
                      var charsSplit = txt.split(''),     // split string to chars
                          chars = [],                     // holds Char objects (see below)
                          scale = 0.01,                   // scales the space between the chars
                          step = 0.05,                    // speed in steps
                          i = 0, ch;
                      for(; ch = charsSplit[i++];)       // create Char objects for each char
                          chars.push(new Char(ctx, ch));
                      // render the chars
                      this.render = function() {
                          var i = 0, ch, w = 0;
                          ctx.translate(cx, cy);         // rotate the canvas creates the movement
                          ctx.translate(-cx, -cy);
                          for(; ch = chars[i++];) {      // calc each char's position
                              ch.x = cx + this.radius * Math.cos(w);
                              ch.y = cy + this.radius * Math.sin(w);
                              ctx.save();                // locally rotate the char
                              ctx.translate(ch.x, ch.y);
                              ctx.rotate(w + 0.5 * Math.PI);
                              ctx.translate(-ch.x, -ch.y);
                              ctx.fillText(ch.char, ch.x, ch.y);
                              w += ch.width * scale;

                  Char 对象

                  function Char(ctx, ch) {
                      this.char = ch;                    // current char
                      this.width = ctx.measureText('W').width;  // width of char or widest char
                      this.x = 0;                        // logistics
                      this.y = 0;


                  Now all we need to do is to create a Text object and then call the render method in a loop:

                  var text = new Text(ctx, cx, cy, 'CIRCULAR TEXT', '32px sans-serif', 170);
                  (function loop() {
                      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);


                  As said, there is plenty of room for optimizations here. The most expensive parts are:

                  • 文字渲染(先将文字渲染成图片)
                  • 使用保存/恢复对每个字符进行局部旋转
                  • 小事

                  不过,我会把它作为 OP 的练习 :)

                  I'll leave that as an exercise for OP though :)

                  这篇关于HTML5 Canvas 文本围绕圆圈制作动画的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How does object-fit work with canvas element?(对象适合如何与画布元素一起使用?)
                  How to make rooftext effect and valley text effect in HTML5 (or Fabric.js)(如何在 HTML5(或 Fabric.js)中制作屋顶文字效果和山谷文字效果)
                  Draw border around nontransparent part of image on canvas(在画布上的图像不透明部分周围绘制边框)
                  dragging and resizing an image on html5 canvas(在 html5 画布上拖动图像并调整其大小)
                  What#39;s the difference between a boolean as primitive and a boolean as property of an object?(作为原始对象的布尔值和作为对象属性的布尔值有什么区别?)
                  I want to do animation of an object along a particular path(我想沿特定路径对对象进行动画处理)
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