我正在用英文和日文写一个简单的段落,只使用 HTML 和 CSS.英文文本正常换行(当一个单词不再适合一行时,它被推到下一个).
I'm writting a simple paragraph in both English and Japanese, using only HTML and CSS. The English text breaks lines normally (when a word doesn't fit on a line anymore, it's pushed to the next one).
With Japanese though, not a whole word is pushed to the next line, but part of it only. I've tried setting word-wrap to break-word and normal, but nothing changes (with the Japanese text).
How to I make whole words in Japanese jump to the next line like it happens in English?
English separates words with spaces, Japanese doesn't.
日语中的字符是否构成单词取决于上下文.在许多情况下,寻找某些语法(假名)助词可用于分隔单词 - 但这甚至不接近可靠.
Whether characters in Japanese form a word or not depends on context. In many cases, looking for certain grammatical (Kana) particles could be used to separate words - but this wouldn't even be close to being reliable.
基本上,您需要一本日语词典/理解该语言来识别单词的开始和结束位置 - 浏览器不知道如何做到这一点.
Essentially, you'd need a Japanese dictionary / understanding of the language to identify where the words start and end - a browser won't know how to do this.
或者,如果您知道单词的开头和结尾,您也许可以将每个单词包装在一个 span 中 - 然后使用 CSS 确保每个 span 在它不适合时作为一个整体换行.
Alternatively, if you know the start and end of the words, you could perhaps wrap each one in a span - then use CSS to ensure each span wraps to a new line as a whole when it doesn't fit.
这篇关于在 HTML 和 CSS 中,如何正确制作日文文本换行符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!