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        HTTP 标头对浏览器来说是否太大?

        Can HTTP headers be too big for browsers?(HTTP 标头对浏览器来说是否太大?)

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                • 本文介绍了HTTP 标头对浏览器来说是否太大?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在构建一个 AJAX 应用程序,它使用 HTTP 内容和 HTTP 标头来发送和接收数据.是否存在浏览器无法读取从 HTTP 标头接收到的数据,因为它太大了?如果是,限制是多少?所有浏览器的行为是否相同?

                  I am building an AJAX application that uses both HTTP Content and HTTP Header to send and receive data. Is there a point where the data received from the HTTP Header won't be read by the browser because it is too big ? If yes, what is the limit and is it the same behaviour in all the browser ?

                  我知道理论上 HTTP 标头的大小是没有限制的,但在实践中,我可能在某些平台、浏览器或安装某些软件时遇到问题在客户端计算机或机器上.我更关注使用 HTTP 标头的安全实践指南.换句话说,HTTP 标头可以在多大程度上用于传输附加数据而不会出现潜在问题?

                  I know that theoretically there is no limit to the size of HTTP headers, but in practice what is the point that past that, I could have problem under certain platform, browsers or with certain software installed on the client computer or machine. I am more looking into a guide-line for safe practice of using HTTP headers. In other word, up to what extend can HTTP headers be used for transmitting additional data without having potential problem coming into the line ?

                  感谢所有关于这个问题的意见,非常感谢和有趣.托马斯的回答得到了赏金,但 乔恩·汉娜的回答 提出了关于代理的一个很好的观点.

                  Thanks, for all the input about this question, it was very appreciated and interesting. Thomas answer got the bounty, but Jon Hanna's answer brought up a very good point about the proxy.



                  In practice, while there are rules prohibitting proxies from not passing certain headers (indeed, quite clear rules on which can be modified and even on how to inform a proxy on whether it can modify a new header added by a later standard), this only applies to "transparent" proxies, and not all proxies are transparent. In particular, some wipe headers they don't understand as a deliberate security practice.


                  Also, in practice some do misbehave (though things are much better than they were).


                  So, beyond the obvious core headers, the amount of header information you can depend on being passed from server to client is zero.


                  This is just one of the reasons why you should never depend on headers being used well (e.g., be prepared for the client to repeat a request for something it should have cached, or for the server to send the whole entity when you request a range), barring the obvious case of authentication headers (under the fail-to-secure principle).

                  这篇关于HTTP 标头对浏览器来说是否太大?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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