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        导入 mocha 单元测试导致 sonarqube

        import mocha unit tests result in sonarqube(导入 mocha 单元测试导致 sonarqube)

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                1. 本文介绍了导入 mocha 单元测试导致 sonarqube的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我使用 mocha 来获取单元测试结果,并使用 istanbul 来获取代码覆盖率.我正在使用 grunt 来运行这些任务.它工作正常.我还使用 grunt-sonar-runnerplugin 将这些结果导入声纳.当前代码覆盖率已导入,但单元测试结果并非如此.在构建期间,声纳向我报告:

                  I use mocha to get unit tests results and istanbul to get code coverage. I'm using grunt to run these tasks. It works fine. I'm also using grunt-sonar-runnerplugin to import these result in sonar. Currently code coverage is imported but that is not the case for unit tests results. During the build, sonar report me this :

                  20:40:19.410 WARN  - Test result will not be saved for test class "Account Controllers User Controller forgot password", because SonarQube associated resource has not been found using file name: "Account Controllers User Controller forgot password.js"
                  20:40:19.411 WARN  - Test result will not be saved for test class "Account Controllers User Controller login", because SonarQube associated resource has not been found using file name: "Account Controllers User Controller login.js"
                  20:40:19.413 WARN  - Test result will not be saved for test class "Account Controllers User Controller logout", because SonarQube associated resource has not been found using file name: "Account Controllers User Controller logout.js"

                  因此,声纳不保存单元测试结果.我尝试在 2.2 中更改 javascript 插件版本,或在 5.1.1 中升级声纳系统,但问题是一样的.我还尝试重命名所有 describe 函数,以在文件夹之间使用 . 形成文件的正确路径(例如:test.unit.controllers.filename. 而且我意识到它只适用于一个测试.如果你有超过 1 个测试,它就不起作用了.

                  Because of this, sonar don't save unit tests results. I tryed to change the javascript plugin version in 2.2, or upgrade sonar system in 5.1.1 but the problem is the same. I also try to rename all describe function to form the right path to the file with . between folders (e.g: test.unit.controllers.filename. And I realized that it works for only one test. If you have more than 1 tests, it will not work.

                  * 声纳 (4.5.2)
                  * javascript 插件 (2.7)

                  * sonar (4.5.2)
                  * javascript plugin (2.7)

                  npm 模块:
                  * mocha-sonar-reporter (^0.1.3)
                  * 摩卡:(^2.1.0)
                  * 咕噜摩卡测试 (^0.12.7)

                  npm modules:
                  * mocha-sonar-reporter (^0.1.3)
                  * mocha: (^2.1.0)
                  * grunt-mocha-test (^0.12.7)


                  我实际上得到了 istanbul 的代码覆盖率和 mocha 的单元测试结果.事实上,摩卡咖啡(xunit 记者)失败了.仅当您在文件夹和文件名之间使用 . 正确设置了一个测试和类名时,它才有效.这是 mocha 和 grunt 的解决方案,请完全按照这些步骤操作并尊重文件和文件夹的命名:
                  1. 使用 npm 模块:sonar-mocha-reporter
                  2. 在你的 package.json 中添加这些行:

                  I actually get code coverage with istanbul and unit tests results with mocha. Indeed, the mocha (xunit reporter) fails. It only works if you have one test and a classname correctly set with . between folders and filename. Here is the solution with mocha and grunt, please follow exactly these steps and respect naming of files and folders :
                  1. Use npm module : sonar-mocha-reporter
                  2. Add these lines in your package.json:

                      "config": {
                          "mocha-sonar-reporter": {
                              "classname": "Test",
                              "testdir": "test",
                              "outputfile": "report/TEST-results.xml"

                  3.定义 npm test cmd(我定义了一个 grunt 任务来使用 grunt mocha-test 插件运行测试):

                  3. Define npm test cmd (I defined a grunt task to run test with grunt mocha-test plugin ):

                      "scripts": {
                          "test": "grunt runTests"

                  4.定义 grunt 任务:

                  4. Define the grunt task:

                      module.exports = function(grunt) {
                          grunt.config.set('mochaTest', {
                              test: {
                                  options: {
                                      timeout:           6000,
                                      reporter:          'mocha-sonar-reporter',
                                      quiet:             false,
                                      clearRequireCache: true
                                  src:     ['test/**/*.js']

                  5.使用 grunt sonar-runner 插件配置您的报告,如果还没有,请添加这些行(选项对象):

                  5. Configure your reporting with grunt sonar-runner plugin and add these lines if it not already the case (options object):

                     dynamicAnalysis: 'reuseReports',
                     tests: 'test',
                     javascript: {
                         jstestdriver: {
                             reportsPath: 'report'
                         lcov: {
                             reportPath: 'report/lcov.info'

                  1. 使用 npm test 命令运行您的测试.使用 gruntgulp 将无法正常工作.
                  1. Run your test with npm test command. with grunt or gulp, it won't work.

                  * 声纳 (4.5.2)
                  * javascript 插件 (2.7)

                  * sonar (4.5.2)
                  * javascript plugin (2.7)

                  npm 模块:
                  * mocha-sonar-reporter (^0.1.3)
                  * 摩卡:(^2.1.0)
                  * 咕噜摩卡测试 (^0.12.7)

                  npm modules:
                  * mocha-sonar-reporter (^0.1.3)
                  * mocha: (^2.1.0)
                  * grunt-mocha-test (^0.12.7)

                  帮助我解决这个问题的有用文档:sonarqube javascript 插件文档

                  Useful documentation which helped me to solve this problem : sonarqube javascript plugin docs

                  这篇关于导入 mocha 单元测试导致 sonarqube的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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