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      1. “异步"Azure Function App 未按预期等待

        #39;async#39; Azure Function App not awaiting as expected(“异步Azure Function App 未按预期等待)
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                2. 本文介绍了“异步"Azure Function App 未按预期等待的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 Azure storage SDK for node 在表格存储中创建一个表格,如果它不存在的话.

                  I'm attempting to use the Azure storage SDK for node to create a Table in Table Store, if it does not exist.


                  The following code is valid and returns a 200 response, although there is no response content. However, the table is created as expected.

                  经过调查,我可以看到 Azure Function 应用程序正在记录以下内容 -

                  Upon investigation, I can see that the Azure Function app is logging the following -

                  [警告] 警告:函数执行完成后对上下文对象的日志"意外调用.请检查未等待的异步调用或在函数执行完成之前对完成"的调用.

                  Creating table 'Test'.
                  [warn] Warning: Unexpected call to 'log' on the context object after function execution has completed. Please check for asynchronous calls that are not awaited or calls to 'done' made before function execution completes.

                  看来,虽然 createTableInTableStore 按预期工作,但我的函数的 async/await 部分却没有.我怀疑我做错了什么,但从外观上看,我正确地实现了 await 以及何时需要它.

                  So it seems that while the createTableInTableStore is working as expected, the async/await part of my function is not. I suspect that I'm doing something wrong, but from the looks of it I am correctly implementing await as and when it's requried.

                  如何让函数等待 createTableInTableStore 方法完成后再继续?

                  How can I get the function to wait for the createTableInTableStore method to complete before it move on?

                  请注意,需要 azure-storage npm 包(npm install azure-storage).

                  Please note that the azure-storage npm package is required (npm install azure-storage).

                  module.exports = async function (context) {
                      var azure_storage = require('azure-storage');
                      var table_service = azure_storage.createTableService(process.env["AzureWebJobsStorage"]);
                      var create_table_result = await createTableInTableStore(context, table_service, "Test");
                      return {
                          res: create_table_result
                  async function createTableInTableStore(context, table_service, table_name) {
                      context.log("Creating table '"+table_name+"'.");
                      return await table_service.createTableIfNotExists(table_name, function(error, result, response) {
                          if (!error && result) {
                              context.log.info("[Info] Table created successfully.")
                          } else if (!error && !result) {
                              context.log.info("[Info] Table already exists.")
                          if (error) {
                              context.log.error("[Error] An unexpected error occurred.")
                              context.log.error(" -----> " + response)


                  你可以返回一个它会起作用的承诺.并在使用 await 时使用 try catch 处理错误.

                  you can return a promise it will work. and use try catch to handle errors when you use await.

                  module.exports = async function (context) {
                      var azure_storage = require('azure-storage');
                      var table_service = azure_storage.createTableService(process.env["AzureWebJobsStorage"]);
                      var create_table_result = await createTableInTableStore(context, table_service, "Test");
                        return {
                            res: create_table_result
                      //handle errr
                  function createTableInTableStore(context, table_service, table_name) {
                      context.log("Creating table '"+table_name+"'.");
                      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        table_service.createTableIfNotExists(table_name, function(error, result, response) {
                          if (!error && result) {
                              context.log.info("[Info] Table created successfully.")
                          } else if (!error && !result) {
                              context.log.info("[Info] Table already exists.")
                          if (error) {
                              context.log.error("[Error] An unexpected error occurred.")
                              context.log.error(" -----> " + response)

                  这篇关于“异步"Azure Function App 未按预期等待的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  quot;Status Code:200 OK (from ServiceWorker)quot; in Chrome Network DevTools?(“状态码:200 OK(来自 ServiceWorker)在 Chrome 网络开发工具中?)
                  How to set a header for a HTTP GET request, and trigger file download?(如何为 HTTP GET 请求设置标头并触发文件下载?)
                  Adding custom HTTP headers using JavaScript(使用 JavaScript 添加自定义 HTTP 标头)
                  SQL Query DocumentDB in Azure Functions by an integer not working(通过整数在 Azure Functions 中 SQL 查询 DocumentDB 不起作用)
                  Azure Functions [JavaScript / Node.js] - HTTP call, good practices(Azure Functions [JavaScript/Node.js] - HTTP 调用,良好实践)
                  Azure Functions - Import Custom Node Module(Azure Functions - 导入自定义节点模块)

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