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        Azure Functions:如何在 WebStorm 中调试?

        Azure Functions: How to debug in WebStorm?(Azure Functions:如何在 WebStorm 中调试?)

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                • 本文介绍了Azure Functions:如何在 WebStorm 中调试?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  azure-functions-cli 提供了一种启动调试的方法,但这些说明似乎是 Visual Studio 特定的.

                  我尝试使用与无服务器类似的技巧,方法是在 WebStorm 中设置运行配置以将 JavaScript 文件指向:



                  运行 myFunctionName --debug

                  这使用 Azure 的工具成功运行了这些功能,但是 WebStorm 都尝试设置调试端口;当 Azure 窗口打开时,它会设置自己的调试端口.


                  C:Program Files (x86)JetBrainsWebStorm 2016.2.3in unnerw.exe" "C:Program Files odejs ode.exe" --debug-brk=60168 --expose_debug_as=v8debug C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesazure-functions-clilibmain.js 运行 myfunction --debug调试器监听 [::]:60168System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException:发送请求时出错.--->System.Net.WebException:

                  同样,Azure-cli 说它打开了一个调试端口,但它们不匹配.


                  有谁知道如何正确配置它才能使用 WebStorm 进行调试?


                  Azure-Functions-CLI 已重命名为 azure-functions-core-tools.如果您仍有 Azure-Functions-CLI,请参阅本文末尾的旧版回复.

                  如果您正在运行新的 azure-functions-core-tools,它们似乎破坏了运行远程调试器的能力 :-(.


                  幸运的是,azure-functions-core 工具的新 Beta 版不具备所有这些 C# 疯狂功能,无法在其他操作系统上运行,并且需要远程调试器.要安装该版本,您可以使用:

                  npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@core

                  安装该版本后,您可以使用良好的ol 标准 Node 运行时"启动内容.

                  1. 在 WebStorm 中从 Run -> Edit Configurations 创建一个新的Node.JS".
                  2. 为调试命名.
                  3. 将 JavaScript 文件设置为:~AppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesazure-functions-core-toolslibmain.js

                  注意:以上假设您在带有全局标志的 Windows 计算机上安装了 Azure Functions.

                  1. 将应用程序参数设置为:start --debug VSCODE

                  1. 编辑文件.vscodelaunch.json"并将节点的调试端口更改为9229.
                  2. 在 WebStorm 中选择 Run-> Debug:"What_You_Named_the_Remote_Profile"

                  3. 添加一些断点.

                  4. 导航到您的 API 端点并查看断点是否有效.


                  注意:以上屏幕截图已根据最新版本的 Azure Functions CLI/进行了更新.早期版本要求您声明应用程序名称,并且不需要 --debug 进行调试.因此,如果您未更新到最新版本的 Azure Functions CLI(现在称为 Azure-Functions-Core-Tools),您可能需要在参数"字段中设置运行 MyApp".

                  1. 在 WebStorm 中选择 Run-> Debug:"What_You_Named_the_Remote_Profile"

                  2. 添加一些断点.

                  3. 导航到您的 API 端点并查看断点是否有效.

                  注意:默认情况下,函数显示在 http://localhost:7071/api/functionName

                  The azure-functions-cli offers a way to kickoff debugging, but these instructions seem to be Visual Studio specific.

                  I tried using a similar trick to serverless by setting up a run config in WebStorm to point the JavaScript file to:


                  And then passing the Application args:

                  run myFunctionName --debug

                  This successfully runs the functions with Azure's tools, but both WebStorm tries to set a debugging port; and when the Azure window opens up it sets its own debugging port.

                  From Webstorm:

                  C:Program Files (x86)JetBrainsWebStorm 2016.2.3in unnerw.exe" "C:Program Files odejs ode.exe" --debug-brk=60168 --expose_debug_as=v8debug C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesazure-functions-clilibmain.js run myfunction --debug Debugger listening on [::]:60168 System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.WebException:

                  Likewise, Azure-cli says it opens a debugging port, but they do not match.

                  As a result, breakpoints set are ignored when the functions are called (Though it does successfully run).

                  Anybody know how to configure this properly to be able to use WebStorm to debug?


                  Azure-Functions-CLI was renamed to azure-functions-core-tools. If you still have the Azure-Functions-CLI see my legacy response at the end of this post.

                  If you're running the new azure-functions-core-tools it looks like they broke the capability to run a remote debugger :-(.

                  I have the following issue opened and I will update if they tell me otherwise: https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-core-tools/issues/378

                  Fortunately, the new Beta version of the azure-functions-core tools doesn't have all of this C# craziness that prevents it from running on other OSes and requires a remote debugger. To install that version, you can use:

                  npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@core

                  With that version installed, you can launch things with the good 'ol standard Node runtime.

                  1. Within WebStorm from Run -> Edit Configurations create a new "Node.JS".
                  2. Give the debugging some type of name.
                  3. Set the JavaScript file to: ~AppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesazure-functions-core-toolslibmain.js

                  NOTE: The above assume you installed Azure Functions on a Windows machine with the global flag.

                  1. Set the Application Parameters to: start --debug VSCODE

                  1. Edit the file ".vscodelaunch.json" and change the debug port to 9229 for node.
                  2. Within WebStorm choose Run-> Debug:"What_You_Named_the_Remote_Profile"

                  3. Add some breakpoints.

                  4. Navigate to your API end-point and see that the break-points work.

                  NOTE: By default it appears the function will be at http://localhost:7071/api/functionName

                  ------------------- EDITED But Below Held for Posterity --------------

                  Okay, it looks like you can not do this with local debugging, but can with "Remote Debugging" within WebStorm.

                  1. Within WebStorm from Run -> Edit Configurations create a new "Node.JS Remote Debug".
                  2. Give the debugging some type of name.
                  3. Hit the + Sign where it says, "Before Launch: External Tool" and choose "Run External Tool".
                  4. Hit the + Sign again and fill it out like the screen-shot (This is assuming you installed the Azure Function CLI globally).

                  NOTE: The above screenshot has been updated based on the latest version of Azure Functions CLI/. Earlier versions required you to state an app name, and did not require --debug to debug. As a result if you are not updated to the latest version of Azure Functions CLI (now known as Azure-Functions-Core-Tools) you may need to have "run MyApp" in the Parameters field.

                  1. Within WebStorm choose Run-> Debug:"What_You_Named_the_Remote_Profile"

                  2. Add some breakpoints.

                  3. Navigate to your API end-point and see that the break-points work.

                  NOTE: By default it appears the function will be at http://localhost:7071/api/functionName

                  这篇关于Azure Functions:如何在 WebStorm 中调试?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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