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      1. Promise.all(...).spread 不是并行运行 Promise 时的函数

        Promise.all(...).spread is not a function when running promises in parallel(Promise.all(...).spread 不是并行运行 Promise 时的函数)

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                  <legend id='T18rG'><style id='T18rG'><dir id='T18rG'><q id='T18rG'></q></dir></style></legend>
                  本文介绍了Promise.all(...).spread 不是并行运行 Promise 时的函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 sequelize 并行运行 2 个 Promise,然后在 .ejs 模板中呈现结果,但我收到此错误:

                  I'm trying to run 2 promises in paralel with sequelize, and then render the results in a .ejs template, but I'm receiving this error:

                   Promise.all(...).spread is not a function


                  var environment_hash = req.session.passport.user.environment_hash;
                  var Template  = require('../models/index').Template;
                  var List      = require('../models/index').List;
                  var values = { 
                      where: { environment_hash: environment_hash,
                               is_deleted: 0 
                  template = Template.findAll(values);
                  list = List.findAll(values);
                  Promise.all([template,list]).spread(function(templates,lists) {
                      res.render('campaign/create.ejs', {
                          templates: templates,
                          lists: lists


                  How can I solve thhis?



                  I'll make my comment into an answer since it solved your issue.

                  .spread() 不是标准的 promise 方法.它在 Bluebird Promise 库中可用.您包含的代码没有显示这一点.三种可能的解决方案:

                  .spread() is not a standard promise method. It is available in the Bluebird promise library. Your code you included does not show that. Three possible solutions:


                  您可以只使用 .then(results => {...}) 并以 results[0]results[1 的形式访问结果].

                  You can just use .then(results => {...}) and access the results as results[0] and results[1].

                  包括 Bluebird Promise 库

                  您可以包含 Bluebird 承诺库,以便您可以访问 .spread().

                  You can include the Bluebird promise library so you have access to .spread().

                  var Promise = require('bluebird');


                  在最新版本的 nodejs 中,您还可以使用解构赋值来消除对 .spread() 的需求,如下所示:

                  In the latest versions of nodejs, you could also use destructuring assignment which kind of removes the need for .spread() like this:

                  Promise.all([template,list]).then(function([templates,lists]) {
                      res.render('campaign/create.ejs', {templates, lists});

                  这篇关于Promise.all(...).spread 不是并行运行 Promise 时的函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Pause youtube video, youtube api(暂停 youtube 视频,youtube api)
                  Youtube iframe api not triggering onYouTubeIframeAPIReady(Youtube iframe api 未触发 onYouTubeIframeAPIReady)
                  How can I stop a video with Javascript in Youtube?(如何在 Youtube 中停止使用 Javascript 的视频?)
                  How to call Greasemonkey#39;s GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope?(如何从必须在目标页面范围内运行的代码中调用 Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数?)
                  How do you mute an embedded Youtube player?(如何使嵌入式 Youtube 播放器静音?)
                  How to get number of video views with YouTube API?(如何使用 YouTube API 获取视频观看次数?)
                  <i id='QAN93'><tr id='QAN93'><dt id='QAN93'><q id='QAN93'><span id='QAN93'><b id='QAN93'><form id='QAN93'><ins id='QAN93'></ins><ul id='QAN93'></ul><sub id='QAN93'></sub></form><legend id='QAN93'></legend><bdo id='QAN93'><pre id='QAN93'><center id='QAN93'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='QAN93'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='QAN93'><tfoot id='QAN93'></tfoot><dl id='QAN93'><fieldset id='QAN93'></fieldset></dl></div>

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