我猜是一个简单的问题,但尽管进行了一些谷歌搜索,但我离找到答案还差得远.有谁知道在哪里可以找到 Dojo 工具包中可用的图标列表?
Simple question I guess, but despite some googling I'm no closer to finding an answer. Does anyone know where to find a list of the icons available in the Dojo toolkit?
最好看的地方是 Dojo Toolkit 夜间图标目录.在这里您可以查看与所有可用图标样式对应的 CSS 类,如果您 转到图像目录,您实际上可以看到图标精灵.不幸的是,这不像 Class Name -> Icon Image 映射那么简单,但是所有 CSS 类名都以与 sprite 图像相同的顺序列出,留给对.
The best place to look at would be Dojo Toolkit nightly icon directory. Here you can view the CSS classes that correspond to all available icon styles, and if you go to the images directory you can actually see the icon sprites. Unfortunately this isn't as simple as a Class Name -> Icon Image mapping, but all the CSS class names are listed in the same order as the sprite images, left to right.
要快速扫描,请知道 commonIcons.css
To quickly scan, know that the commonIcons.css
file break down the classes in this order:
- 图标类
- IE6 图标类(8 位)
- 禁用图标类
- 将背景位置设置为精灵图像上的相应位置
我能够在一个更易于阅读的列表中找到 Dijit 编辑器图标,但是,这不像上面的网站那样由 Dojo 维护,不一定会保持最新.
I was able to find the Dijit Editor icons in an easier to read list, however, this is not maintained by Dojo like the site above and will not necessarily keep up to date.
这篇关于在哪里可以找到 dojo 工具包 dijit 小部件的图标图像列表?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!