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      3. 如何在 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序中将 html5 画布保存为图像文件?

        How to save html5 canvas as an image file in window 8 metro app?(如何在 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序中将 html5 画布保存为图像文件?)

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                • 本文介绍了如何在 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序中将 html5 画布保存为图像文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  var myImage = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

                  我认为 myImage 具有以 png 格式编码的图像字节现在如何将 myImage 保存为文件(在 images 文件夹中)?

                  I think myImage has the image bytes encoded in png format now how to save myImage as a file (in images folder)?



                  var blob = canvas.msToBlob();


                  Then, you'll need to write this out to disk:

                  var output;
                  var input;
                  var outputStream;
                      then(function(file) {
                          return file.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite);
                      }).then(function(stream) {
                          outputStream = stream;
                          output = stream.getOutputStreamAt(0);
                          input = blob.msDetachStream();
                          return Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStream.copyAsync(input, output);
                      }).then(function() {
                          return output.flushAsync();
                      }).done(function() {


                  In your applications app data folder, you will now have the image written to disk.

                  如果你想把它放在其他地方——例如.我的图片等 - 然后您只需要使用其他存储文件夹之一.请在此处查看示例.请注意,要访问图片库,您需要将该功能添加到清单中(只是 VS 中 package.appxmanifest 编辑器中的一个复选框)

                  If you wish to place it somewhere else -- e.g. my pictures etc -- then you'll just need to use one of the other storage folders. See the sample here. Note that to access the pictures library you need to add that capability to your manifest (just a checkbox in the package.appxmanifest editor in VS)


                  There are many other imaging options too for more complex manipulation of the output file. See the imaging sample for code.

                  这篇关于如何在 Windows 8 Metro 应用程序中将 html5 画布保存为图像文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Fetch multiple links inside foreach loop(在 foreach 循环中获取多个链接)
                  Backbone Fetch Request is OPTIONS method(Backbone Fetch Request 是 OPTIONS 方法)
                  Fetch API leaks memory in Chrome(Fetch API 在 Chrome 中泄漏内存)
                  How can I download and save a file using the Fetch API? (Node.js)(如何使用 Fetch API 下载和保存文件?(Node.js))
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