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        配置 grunt 复制任务以排除文件/文件夹

        Configure grunt copy task to exclude files/folders(配置 grunt 复制任务以排除文件/文件夹)
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                • 本文介绍了配置 grunt 复制任务以排除文件/文件夹的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我已经安装了 grunt 任务 grunt-contrib-copy.我将它嵌入到我的 Gruntfile.js 中并通过 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); 加载任务.

                  I have installed the grunt task grunt-contrib-copy. I embedd it in my Gruntfile.js and load the task via grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy');.

                  目前我使用以下配置来创建一个包含我的 js 文件/文件夹子集的文件夹.

                  Currently I use following configuration to create a folder with a subset of my js files/folders.

                  copy: {
                              options: {
                                  processContent: [],
                                  processContentExclude: ['build/**', 'bin/**', '.*', '*.orig', '*.bak', '.*/**', '*.log', 'dist/**', 'test/**', 'dev/**', 'pyserver/**', 'node_modules/**', 'doc/**']
                              du: {
                                  files: [ 
                                      {src: ['.conf1', '.conf2', './config.js'], dest: 'output/toolkit/', filter: 'isFile'},
                                      {src: ['./css/**/*', './img/**/*', './js/**/*', './release/**/*', './lib/**/*', './locale/**/*'], dest: 'output/toolkit/'},
                                      {expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['**'], dest: 'output/'}

                  这工作正常,但每次我运行 grunt copy 时它都会退出并显示以下错误消息:

                  This works fine, but everytime I run grunt copy it exits with the following error message:

                  Copying Gruntfile.js -> output/Gruntfile.js
                  Warning: Error while processing "Gruntfile.js" file. Use --force to continue.

                  我想排除 Gruntfile.jsjs/**/* 中的所有 *.less 文件.尝试使用 !(.less), !.less, !(*.less), !(./Grunfile.js), !(*Gruntfile.js) ...但没有任何效果.将其添加到 processContentExclude 数组中,但也没有成功.

                  I would like to exclude Gruntfile.js and all *.less files in js/**/*. Tried it with !(.less), !.less, !(*.less), !(./Grunfile.js), !(*Gruntfile.js) ... But nothing works. Added it to the processContentExclude array, but without success too.

                  那么如何排除 Gruntfile.js 和文件夹结构 js/**/* 中的所有较少文件?

                  So how can I exclude the Gruntfile.js and all less files in the folder structure js/**/*?




                  files: [ 
                            {src: ['.conf1', '.conf2', './config.js'], dest: 'output/toolkit/', filter: 'isFile'},
                            {src: ['./css/**/*', './img/**/*', './js/**/*', './release/**/*', './lib/**/*', './locale/**/*'], dest: 'output/toolkit/'},
                            {expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['**'], dest: 'output/'}

                  因为 {expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['**'], dest: 'output/'} 是一个新的复制步骤,从<代码>./ 到 输出.这对我来说不需要,因为上面的行已经将所需的文件复制到 output/toolkit.

                  because {expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['**'], dest: 'output/'} is a new copy step, copying all files from ./ to output. Which is for me not needed, because the above lines are already copying the required files to output/toolkit.

                  所以以下两行代码完成了这项工作.不需要选项或其他任何东西.为了将 *.less 文件排除在外,'!**/*.less' 就可以了.

                  So the following two lines does the job. No need for options or anything else. To keep out the *.less files '!**/*.less' does the job.

                  files: [ 
                            {src: ['.conf1', '.conf2', 'config.js'], dest: 'output/toolkit/', filter: 'isFile'},
                            {src: ['css/**', 'img/**', 'js/**', 'release/**', 'lib/**', 'locale/**', '!**/*.less'], dest: 'output/toolkit/'}

                  这篇关于配置 grunt 复制任务以排除文件/文件夹的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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