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      带角度的requirejs - 不使用嵌套路由解决控制器依赖关系

      requirejs with angular - not resolving controller dependency with nested route(带角度的requirejs - 不使用嵌套路由解决控制器依赖关系)
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                本文介绍了带角度的requirejs - 不使用嵌套路由解决控制器依赖关系的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                http://www.example.com/profile/view 中,当路由具有多个级别时,RequireJS 无法正确解析依赖关系.如果我只有 http://www.example.com/view,则控制器依赖关系已正确解决.

                The RequireJS is not resolving dependency properly when the routes is of multiple levels as in http://www.example.com/profile/view. If I just have http://www.example.com/view, the controller dependency is resolved properly.

                我的 bootstrap.js

                My bootstrap.js

                    baseUrl : 'res/js',
                    paths: {
                        routeResolve: 'routeResolve',
                        'domReady': 'lib/domReady',
                        angular: 'lib/angular',
                        angularRoute: 'lib/angular-route',
                        angularResource: 'lib/angular-resource',
                        angularSanitize: 'lib/angular-sanitize',
                        cssPath : '../css'
                    map: {
                      '*': {
                        css: 'lib/require-css/css.min'
                    shim: {
                        'angular': {'exports': 'angular'},
                        'angularRoute': {deps : ['angular']},
                        'angularResource': {deps : ['angular']},
                        'angularSanitize': {deps : ['angular']}
                    priority: ['angular']


                    - public
                          - res
                              - js
                              - css

                当我使用这条路由 http://www.example.com/profile/view 时,所有依赖模块都使用基本 url 解析为 http://www.example.com/profile/res/js/controller.js,该路径http://www.example.com/profile中不存在.

                When I use this route http://www.example.com/profile/view, all the dependency modules are resolved with base url as http://www.example.com/profile/res/js/controller.js, which does not exist in this path http://www.example.com/profile.

                如果我将路由更改为 http://www.example.com/view(仅一级),则使用此基本 url http://www.example 解决依赖关系.com/res/js/controller.js

                If I change the route to http://www.example.com/view (just one level), dependencies are resolved with this base url http://www.example.com/res/js/controller.js


                There should be a configuration issue which I am missing, but I could not find a solution for this.


                我在这里创建了 working plunker.它基于对 angular-ui-router with requirejs, lazy loading of controller 的回答.我希望该问题与 HTML 设置有关 <base href...

                I created working plunker here. It is based on the answer to angular-ui-router with requirejs, lazy loading of controller. I would exepct that the issue will be related to HTML setting <base href...


                There is an example of the state, which in resolve loads lazily controller via requireJS:

                  .state("first", {
                    url: "/firstr",
                    template: "<div>The message from ctrl: {{message}}</div>",
                    controller: "FirstCtrl",
                    resolve: {
                      loadOtherCtrl: ["$q", function($q) {
                        var deferred = $q.defer();
                        require(["FirstCtrl"], function() { deferred.resolve(); });
                        return deferred.promise;

                该示例有 main.js:

                There is the main.js for that example:

                var cfg = {
                    baseUrl: "res/js/",
                    // alias libraries paths
                    paths: { 
                        // here we define path to NAMES
                        // to make controllers and their lazy-file-names independent
                        "TopMenuCtrl": "Controller_TopMenu", 
                        "ContentCtrl": "Controller_Content", 
                        "OtherCtrl"  : "Controller_Other",  
                        "FirstCtrl"  : "Controller_First",
                        "app"  : "../../app",  
                    deps: ['app'] 


                The most important think here, because of the:

                $locationProvider.html5Mode({enabled: true});


                is the setting of the base in the index.html:

                  var urlBase = document.location.pathname;
                  document.write('<base href="'+ urlBase +'" />')

                因为我需要在这里确保这将在 plunker 中工作,所以我愿意动态生成它,但在您的情况下,它可能只是 <base href="/"/> 或其他一些设置,它将教"所有网络在哪里搜索资源

                Because I need here to be sure that this will work in plunker I do generate that dynamically, but in your case it could be just <base href="/" /> or some other setting, which will "teach" all the web where to search for resources


                这篇关于带角度的requirejs - 不使用嵌套路由解决控制器依赖关系的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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