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      1. AngularJS ui-router $state.go('^') 仅更改地址栏中的 URL,但不加载

        AngularJS ui-router $state.go(#39;^#39;) only changing URL in address bar, but not loading controller(AngularJS ui-router $state.go(^) 仅更改地址栏中的 URL,但不加载控制器)
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                  本文介绍了AngularJS ui-router $state.go('^') 仅更改地址栏中的 URL,但不加载控制器的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 angularjs ui-router 创建一个Todo 应用程序".它有 2 列:

                  I am trying to create a "Todo App" with angularjs ui-router. It has 2 columns:

                  • 第 1 列:待办事项列表
                  • 第 2 列:Todo 详细信息或 Todo 编辑表单

                  在保存待办事项后的编辑和创建控制器中,我想重新加载列表以显示适当的更改.问题:在创建或更新Todo时调用$state.go('^')后,浏览器中的URL变回/api/todo,但是ListCtrl 未执行,即 $scope.search 未调用,因此未检索到 Todo 列表(包含更改的项目),第 2 列中也不显示第一个 Todo 的详细信息(而是,它变成空白).

                  In the Edit and Create controller after saving the Todo I would like to reload the list to show the appropriate changes. The problem: after calling $state.go('^') when the Todo is created or updated, the URL in the browser changes back to /api/todo, but the ListCtrl is not executed, i.e. $scope.search is not called, hence the Todo list (with the changed items) is not retrieved, nor are the details of the first Todo displayed in Column 2 (instead, it goes blank).

                  我什至尝试过 $state.go('^', $stateParams, { reload: true, inherit: false, notify: false });,没有运气.

                  I have even tried $state.go('^', $stateParams, { reload: true, inherit: false, notify: false });, no luck.



                  var TodoApp = angular.module('TodoApp', ['ngResource', 'ui.router'])
                      .config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
                              .state('todo', {
                                  url: '/api/todo',
                                  controller: 'ListCtrl',
                                  templateUrl: '/_todo_list.html'
                              .state('todo.details', {
                                  url: '/{id:[0-9]*}',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'DetailsCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_details.html'
                              .state('todo.edit', {
                                  url: '/edit/:id',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'EditCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_edit.html'
                              .state('todo.new', {
                                  url: '/new',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'CreateCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_edit.html'
                  TodoApp.factory('Todos', function ($resource) {
                      return $resource('/api/todo/:id', { id: '@id' }, { update: { method: 'PUT' } });
                  var ListCtrl = function ($scope, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.todos = [];
                      $scope.search = function () {
                          Todos.query(function (data) {
                              $scope.todos = $scope.todos.concat(data);
                              $state.go('todo.details', { id: $scope.todos[0].Id });
                  var DetailsCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, Todos) {
                      $scope.todo = Todos.get({ id: $stateParams.id });
                  var EditCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.action = 'Edit';
                      var id = $stateParams.id;
                      $scope.todo = Todos.get({ id: id });
                      $scope.save = function () {
                          Todos.update({ id: id }, $scope.todo, function () {
                              $state.go('^', $stateParams, { reload: true, inherit: false, notify: false });
                  var CreateCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.action = 'Create';
                      $scope.save = function () {
                          Todos.save($scope.todo, function () {


                  非常感谢 Radim Khler 指出 $scope 是继承的.通过 2 个小改动,我设法解决了这个问题.请参阅下面的代码,我评论了我添加额外行的位置.现在它就像一个魅力.

                  Huge thanks for Radim Khler for pointing out that $scope is inherited. With 2 small changes I managed to solve this. See below code, I commented where I added the extra lines. Now it works like a charm.

                  var TodoApp = angular.module('TodoApp', ['ngResource', 'ui.router'])
                      .config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
                              .state('todo', {
                                  url: '/api/todo',
                                  controller: 'ListCtrl',
                                  templateUrl: '/_todo_list.html'
                              .state('todo.details', {
                                  url: '/{id:[0-9]*}',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'DetailsCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_details.html'
                              .state('todo.edit', {
                                  url: '/edit/:id',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'EditCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_edit.html'
                              .state('todo.new', {
                                  url: '/new',
                                  views: {
                                      'detailsColumn': {
                                          controller: 'CreateCtrl',
                                          templateUrl: '/_todo_edit.html'
                  TodoApp.factory('Todos', function ($resource) {
                      return $resource('/api/todo/:id', { id: '@id' }, { update: { method: 'PUT' } });
                  var ListCtrl = function ($scope, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.todos = [];
                      $scope.search = function () {
                          Todos.query(function (data) {
                              $scope.todos = $scope.todos(data); // No concat, just overwrite
                              if (0 < $scope.todos.length) { // Added this as well to avoid overindexing if no Todo is present
                                  $state.go('todo.details', { id: $scope.todos[0].Id });
                  var DetailsCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, Todos) {
                      $scope.todo = Todos.get({ id: $stateParams.id });
                  var EditCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.action = 'Edit';
                      var id = $stateParams.id;
                      $scope.todo = Todos.get({ id: id });
                      $scope.save = function () {
                          Todos.update({ id: id }, $scope.todo, function () {
                              $scope.search(); // Added this line
                              //$state.go('^'); // As $scope.search() changes the state, this is not even needed.
                  var CreateCtrl = function ($scope, $stateParams, $state, Todos) {
                      $scope.action = 'Create';
                      $scope.save = function () {
                          Todos.save($scope.todo, function () {
                              $scope.search(); // Added this line
                              //$state.go('^'); // As $scope.search() changes the state, this is not even needed.

                  这篇关于AngularJS ui-router $state.go('^') 仅更改地址栏中的 URL,但不加载控制器的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Toggle HTML radio button by clicking its label(通过单击标签来切换 HTML 单选按钮)
                  Javascript how to change radio button label text?(Javascript如何更改单选按钮标签文本?)
                  JavaScript radio button confirmation(JavaScript 单选按钮确认)
                  How can I automatically select specific radio buttons with Greasemonkey?(如何使用 Greasemonkey 自动选择特定的单选按钮?)
                  AngularJs. Is it possible to deselect HTML “radio” input by click?(AngularJs.是否可以通过单击取消选择 HTML“收音机输入?)
                  Checking Value of Radio Button Group via JavaScript?(通过 JavaScript 检查单选按钮组的值?)

                  <i id='pYsCf'><tr id='pYsCf'><dt id='pYsCf'><q id='pYsCf'><span id='pYsCf'><b id='pYsCf'><form id='pYsCf'><ins id='pYsCf'></ins><ul id='pYsCf'></ul><sub id='pYsCf'></sub></form><legend id='pYsCf'></legend><bdo id='pYsCf'><pre id='pYsCf'><center id='pYsCf'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='pYsCf'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='pYsCf'><tfoot id='pYsCf'></tfoot><dl id='pYsCf'><fieldset id='pYsCf'></fieldset></dl></div>

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