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      Flickering of charts and getcontext error with chartjs in the context of Vuejs(Vuejs上下文中chartjs的闪烁图表和getcontext错误)

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                您好,我正在尝试通过调用 API 来使用 chartjs 显示不同的图表.下面的代码显示了我如何格式化chart.vue


                <模板><div 类=图表容器"风格=位置:相对;高度:40vh;宽度:100%;"><插槽名称=test1"></slot><插槽名称=test2"></slot></div></模板><脚本>导出默认{名称:'图表',数据 () {返回 {日期: [],挑战: [],数据: []}},挂载(){this.check(8, 'chart_8')this.check(7, 'chart_7')},方法: {检查(身份证,姓名){this.$http.get(`/api_chart/${ id }/full`).then((响应) => {this.date = response.data.datethis.challenge = response.data.challengethis.data = this.date.map((日期, 索引) => ({x:新日期(日期 * 1000),y: this.challenge[索引]}))const ctx = document.getElementById([name]).getContext('2d')让 myChart = new Chart(ctx, {类型:'线',数据: {数据集:[{标签:挑战",数据:this.data,边框颜色:'#EA5455',}]},选项: {线张力:0,保持纵横比:假,秤:{y轴:[{刻度标签:{显示:假},滴答声:{beginAtZero:是的,回调(值){返回`${value}%`}}}],x轴:[{类型:'时间',时间: {单位:'月'},刻度标签:{显示:真,}}]}}})})}}}</脚本>


                <模板><div class="为了显示chart1"><图表显示><画布槽=test1";id="chart_7";></画布></图表显示></div><div class="为了显示chart1"><图表显示><画布槽=test2";id="chart_8";></画布></图表显示></div></模板><脚本>从 './Chart.vue' 导入图表显示导出默认{组件:{图表显示}}</脚本>

                如您所见,我已经共享了我的 Chart.vue 和 App.vue,我可以在浏览器中看到我的图表,但是每当我运行代码或刷新页面时,图表都会闪烁并停止.然后在我的控制台中出现以下错误:




                //每次使用<chart-display>,都会渲染2个图表,也就是说图表1会渲染//自身和图表 2,char 2 渲染自身和图表 1,这在 Vue 中通常是一个不好的模式挂载(){this.check(8, "chart_8");this.check(7, "chart_7");}






                <div class="为了显示chart1"><图表显示/></div></div></模板><脚本>从./ChartDisplay.vue"导入 ChartDisplay;导出默认{组件:{ ChartDisplay },};</脚本>

                在 沙盒上查看它p>

                Hello i am trying to display different charts using the chartjs by calling the API. Below code shows how i have formatted the chart.vue


                  <div class="chart-container" style="position: relative; height: 40vh; width:100%;">
                    <slot name="test1"></slot>
                    <slot name="test2"></slot>
                export default {
                  name: 'charts',
                  data () {
                    return {
                      date: [],
                      challenge: [],
                      data: []
                  mounted () {
                    this.check(8, 'chart_8')
                    this.check(7, 'chart_7')
                  methods: {
                    check (id, name) {
                      this.$http.get(`/api_chart/${ id  }/full`)
                        .then((response) => {
                          this.date = response.data.date
                          this.challenge = response.data.challenge
                          this.data = this.date.map((date, index) => ({
                            x: new Date(date * 1000),
                            y: this.challenge[index]
                          const ctx =  document.getElementById([name]).getContext('2d')
                          let myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
                            type: 'line',
                            data: {
                              datasets: [
                                  label: 'Challenge',
                                  data: this.data,
                                  borderColor: ' #EA5455',
                            options: {
                              lineTension: 0,
                              maintainAspectRatio: false,
                              scales: {
                                yAxes: [
                                    scaleLabel: {
                                      display: false
                                    ticks: {
                                      beginAtZero: true,
                                      callback (value) {
                                        return `${value}%`
                                xAxes: [
                                    type: 'time',
                                    time: {
                                      unit: 'month'
                                    scaleLabel: {
                                      display: true,


                  <div class="In order to display chart1">
                    <chart-display>  <canvas slot="test1" id="chart_7" ></canvas> </chart-display>
                  <div class="In order to display chart1">
                    <chart-display>  <canvas slot="test2" id="chart_8" ></canvas> </chart-display>
                import chart-display from './Chart.vue'
                export default {
                  component: {chart-display}

                As you can see i have shared my Chart.vue and App.vue, i am able to see my chart in the browser, but whenever i run the code or refresh the page, the charts flickers and stops. And then in my console i get below error:

                Please someone help me to get rid of this issue, and please tell me if any changes i should do in my code to solve it. Please send me the modification code.


                As I wrote in my comment, the charts are rendered twice. This causes flickering.

                // every time you use <chart-display>, 2 charts are rendered, this means chart 1 renders
                // itself and chart 2, char 2 renders itself and chart 1, this is a bad pattern in Vue in general
                mounted() {
                  this.check(8, "chart_8");
                  this.check(7, "chart_7");

                Make the following changes:


                    style="position: relative; height: 40vh; width: 100%"
                    <canvas ref="chart_7"></canvas>
                    <canvas ref="chart_8"></canvas>
                import Chart from "chart.js";
                export default {
                  name: "ChartDisplay",
                  data() {
                    return {
                      date: [],
                      challenge: [],
                      data: [],
                      // save charts in an array
                      charts: [],
                      // charts options
                      options: {
                        lineTension: 0,
                        maintainAspectRatio: false,
                        scales: {
                          yAxes: [
                              scaleLabel: {
                                display: false,
                              ticks: {
                                beginAtZero: true,
                                callback(value) {
                                  return `${value}%`;
                          xAxes: [
                              type: "time",
                              time: {
                                unit: "month",
                              scaleLabel: {
                                display: true,
                  mounted() {
                    this.render(7, this.$refs.chart_7);
                    this.render(8, this.$refs.chart_8);
                  methods: {
                    render(id, ctx) {
                      this.fetchData(id).then((response) => {
                        let data = response.date.map((date, index) => ({
                          x: new Date(date * 1000),
                          y: response.challenge[index],
                          new Chart(ctx, {
                            type: "line",
                            data: {
                              datasets: [
                                  label: "Challenge",
                                  data: data,
                                  borderColor: " #EA5455",
                            options: this.options,
                    fetchData(id) {
                      return this.$http.get(`/api_chart/${ id  }/full`);
                  beforeDestroy() {
                    this.charts.forEach((chart) => chart.destroy());
                <style >
                [v-cloak] {
                  display: none;


                    <div class="In order to display chart1">
                import ChartDisplay from "./ChartDisplay.vue";
                export default {
                  components: { ChartDisplay },

                See it on sandbox




                ChartJS Version 3 - common legend for multiple line charts(ChartJS 版本 3 - 多个折线图的常用图例)
                Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize not working (fiddle)(Chart.js yAxes Ticks stepSize 不起作用(小提琴))
                How to hide value in Chart JS bar(如何在 Chart JS 栏中隐藏值)
                Show data values in Chart.js bars (version 3)(在 Chart.js 条形图中显示数据值(版本 3))
                Chart.js show x-axis data from right to left(Chart.js 从右到左显示 x 轴数据)
                ChartJS - Finding the minimum and maximum labels that are inside a pan (When zooming)(ChartJS - 查找平底锅内的最小和最大标签(缩放时))
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