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      1. 迭代比递归快,还是不太容易发生堆栈溢出?

        Is iteration faster than recursion, or just less prone to stack overflows?(迭代比递归快,还是不太容易发生堆栈溢出?)
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                  I know you can rewrite a recursive function using a simple loop by using an array as a first-in-first-out queue of 'work remaining to be done'. I have heard this makes it less likely to have a stack overflow.


                  But if stack overflows aren't an issue (because you're not recursing very deeply), is there any reason to prefer iterative over recursive? Is it any faster?

                  我对 V8 上的 JavaScript 最感兴趣.

                  I'm mostly interested in JavaScript on V8.


                  在 Javascript 中,不做尾递归优化(不是必需的,也许不能?看评论),递归是两者比迭代慢(因为在几乎所有语言中,函数调用都比跳转更昂贵)并且如果递归太深可能会导致堆栈溢出错误(但是,限制可以是相当深;Chrome 在我的实验中放弃了递归深度 16,316).

                  In Javascript, which doesn't (isn't required to, and perhaps can't? see the comments) do tail-recursion optimisation, recursion is both slower than iteration (because, in almost every language, a function call is much more expensive than a jump) and has the possibility of causing stack overflow errors if you recurse too deeply (however, the limit can be quite deep; Chrome gave up at recursion depth 16,316 in my experiment).

                  然而,当你编写递归函数时,性能影响有时值得你得到清晰的代码,而且如果没有递归,某些事情会变得更加困难(递归函数几乎总是很多 比它们的迭代对应物短),例如使用树(但无论如何你并没有真正使用 Javascript 来做这件事 GGG 提到 DOM 是一棵树,并且在 JS 中使用它很常见).

                  However, the performance impact is sometimes worth the clarity of the code you get when you write a recursive function, and certain things are a lot more difficult to do without recursion (recursive functions are almost always much shorter than their iterative counterparts), e.g. working with trees (but you don't really do that with Javascript much anyway GGG mentioned that the DOM is a tree, and working with that is very common in JS).




                  Rails/Javascript: How to inject rails variables into (very) simple javascript(Rails/Javascript:如何将 rails 变量注入(非常)简单的 javascript)
                  CoffeeScript always returns in anonymous function(CoffeeScript 总是以匿名函数返回)
                  Ordinals in words javascript(javascript中的序数)
                  getFullYear returns year before on first day of year(getFullYear 在一年的第一天返回前一年)
                  How do I make a TextGeometry multiline? How do I put it inside a square so it wraps like html text does inside a div?(如何制作 TextGeometry 多线?如何将它放在一个正方形内,以便它像 html 文本一样包裹在 div 内?) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享社
                  How to use coffeescript in developing web-sites?(如何在开发网站时使用coffeescript?)

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