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      早午餐如何禁用 RequireJS 模块包装

      Brunch how to disable RequireJS module wrapping(早午餐如何禁用 RequireJS 模块包装)
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                本文介绍了早午餐如何禁用 RequireJS 模块包装的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                更新:对于任何有兴趣将 Brunch 与 AngularJS 我整理了一个种子项目 angular-brunch-seed

                Update: For anyone interested in using Brunch with AngularJS I've put together a seed project angular-brunch-seed

                我正在使用 Brunch 和 AngularJS.AngularJS 提供了一个模块系统,因此使用 commonJS/AMD 导入文件的需要是多余的.是否可以对 /app 目录中的文件禁用此功能?本质上,我希望它像 /vendor 目录一样编译未更改的文件.

                I'm using Brunch with AngularJS. AngularJS provides a module system so the need for importing file using commonJS / AMD is redundant. Is it possible to disable this feature for files in the /app directory? Essentially I would like it to compile files unaltered like it does for the /vendor directory.


                    'js/app.js': /^app/
                    'js/vendor.js': /^vendor/

                js/app.jsjs/vender.js 都包含来自各个文件夹的编译文件,但都没有打包.

                With both js/app.js and js/vender.js containing compile files from each respective folder, but neither wrapped.


                更新语法从@jcruz 回答时发生了变化.这是现在执行此操作的方法.

                UPDATE The syntax has changed from when @jcruz answer. Here's the way to do this now.

                最后我选择了@jcruz 答案的修改版本.

                In the end I went with a modified version of @jcruz answer.

                exports.config =
                    definition: false
                    wrapper: (path, data) ->
                (function() {
                  'use strict';
                      defaultExtension: 'coffee'
                        'js/app.js': /^app/
                        'js/vendor.js': /^vendor/

                默认情况下,原始"包装器不包括 coffeescript 的标准包装器.通过将 jsWrapper 设置为:

                By default the "raw" wrapper does not include coffeescript's standard wrapper. By setting jsWrapper to:

                wrapper: (path, data) ->
                (function() {
                  'use strict';



                最近刚刚在 https://github.com/brunch/brunch/commit/ec158cffd1b66d5db2093cf766000673aa0dd3a5

                我不相信带有这些功能的版本在 npm 上,但你可以从 github repo 重新安装早午餐

                I dont believe the release w/ these features is on npm yet but you could just re-install brunch from the github repo

                完成早午餐后,在 config.coffee 中将 jsWrapper 设置为raw"

                Once you do that Brunch, set jsWrapper to 'raw' in your config.coffee


                exports.config =
                  jsWrapper: 'raw'
                      defaultExtension: 'js'
                        'javascripts/app.js': /^app/
                        'javascripts/vendor.js': /^vendor/

                'brunch b' 和包装代码应该消失

                'brunch b' and the wrapping code should disappear

                这篇关于早午餐如何禁用 RequireJS 模块包装的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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