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      1. 如何点击触发非本地 jQuery 插件的操作?

        How to onclick-trigger a non-native jQuery plugin#39;s action?(如何点击触发非本地 jQuery 插件的操作?)
        <i id='Yi5OA'><tr id='Yi5OA'><dt id='Yi5OA'><q id='Yi5OA'><span id='Yi5OA'><b id='Yi5OA'><form id='Yi5OA'><ins id='Yi5OA'></ins><ul id='Yi5OA'></ul><sub id='Yi5OA'></sub></form><legend id='Yi5OA'></legend><bdo id='Yi5OA'><pre id='Yi5OA'><center id='Yi5OA'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Yi5OA'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Yi5OA'><tfoot id='Yi5OA'></tfoot><dl id='Yi5OA'><fieldset id='Yi5OA'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                • 本文介绍了如何点击触发非本地 jQuery 插件的操作?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我已经安装了一个 3rd-party jQuery 插件(它是一个手风琴).它显示在我的页面上,并按预期工作.

                  I've installed a 3rd-party jQuery plugin (it's an accordion). It displays on my page, and works as expected.


                  I want to trigger one of the plugin's actions (open a particular slide) when I click on an image on my page.


                  I can't seem to get the code &/or syntax for doing that right.

                  我安装的插件是EasyAccordion"(http://www.madeincima.eu/blog/jquery-plugin-easy-accordion/).它的 .js 源发布在这里:http://pastebin.com/55JB4pr2.

                  The plugin I've installed is "EasyAccordion" (http://www.madeincima.eu/blog/jquery-plugin-easy-accordion/). It's .js source is posted here: http://pastebin.com/55JB4pr2.

                  我在 Drupal7 页面上使用插件.

                  I'm using the plugin on a Drupal7 page.

                  我不认为特定的插件,或者它在 Drupal 中使用的事实,与正确使用 jQuery 无关.

                  I don't think that the specific plugin, or the fact that it's been used in Drupal, is relevant to the proper jQuery usage.

                  jQuery 与 Drupal 捆绑在一起.我在我的页面上初始化插件:

                  jQuery's bundled with Drupal. I init the plugin on my page with:

                      ( function ($) {
                          Drupal.behaviors.myEasyAccordion = {
                              attach: function(context,settings) {
                                      autoStart:     false,


                      <div id="accordion1">
                       ... EASYACCORDION MARKUP ...

                  再一次,使用这个 init &标记,手风琴按预期出现/工作.

                  Again, with this init & markup, the accordion appears/works as expected.


                  On the same page, in another I've added an image-link, i.e.,

                      <div id="myImg">
                          <a><img src="myimg.png" /></a>
                      <div id="accordion1">
                       ...  EASYACCORDION MARKUP ...

                  我想单击myImg"div 中的图像,并让 EasyAccordion 捕捉到特定打开的窗格".我认为,特定窗格的激活是由

                  I want to click on the image in the "myImg" div, and have the EasyAccordion snap to a specific open 'pane'. The activation of a particular pane is addressed, I think, by the

                      line #127                jQuery.fn.activateSlide = function() {

                  函数,如我上面提供的 pastebin-link 所示.

                  function, as seen at the pastebin-link I provided above.

                  Iiuc,我需要在上面的 init 函数中添加代码,以将图像点击与 EasyAccordion 中的动作执行联系起来.

                  Iiuc, I need to add code to the init function above, to tie the image-click to an action execution in the EasyAccordion.


                  我认为我需要启动(例如,对于幻灯片 #3),

                  I think I need to fire off (e.g., for slide #3),



                      $('#myImg').click(function () {

                  到 init,将它附加到 EasyAccordion init 的 function().像什么?

                  to the init, attaching it to the EasyAccordion init's function(). Something like?

                      ( function ($) {
                          Drupal.behaviors.myEasyAccordion = {
                              attach: function(context,settings) {
                                      autoStart:     false,
                   ---->          $('#myImg',context).easyAccordion({ ...
                   ---->          ?????????
                   ---->          });

                  到目前为止,我还没有找到正确的语法.至少,我无法让点击图像实际导致指定项目在 EasyAccordion 中激活".

                  So far the right syntax has eluded me. At least, I can't get the click-on-image to actually cause the specified item to 'activate' in the EasyAccordion.



                  我认为很接近.但是我仍然没有得到将撬棒插入我的 Drupal.behaviors... 节的语法.

                  I think are close. But I'm still not getting the syntax to crowbar into my Drupal.behaviors... stanza right.





                  Adding a targetable class to each slide, so that markup's:

                      <div id="myImg">
                          <a><img src="myimg.png" /></a>
                      <div id="accordion1">
                      <dt class="slide_1" >
                      <dt class="slide_2" >


                      ( function ($) {
                          Drupal.behaviors.myEasyAccordion = {
                              attach: function(context,settings) {
                                      autoStart:     false,
                                  $('#myImg',context).click(function() {

                  现在,单击 #myImg div 中的 img 会按预期打开目标幻灯片...此处为slide_1".

                  Now, a click on the img in the #myImg div opens the target slide ... here, 'slide_1', as intended.

                  这篇关于如何点击触发非本地 jQuery 插件的操作?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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