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      1. 如何禁用 ckeditor 云服务

        How to disable ckeditor cloudservices(如何禁用 ckeditor 云服务)

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                  本文介绍了如何禁用 ckeditor 云服务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在开发一个 Drupal 站点,该站点刚刚将其 ckeditor 库从 4.5.x 更新到 4.9.2.在我们的一台服务器上,图像按钮突然停止出现,我发现错误错误代码:cloudservices-no-token-url".当我使用 ckeditor 加载任何页面时,在浏览器的 javascript 控制台中.

                  I'm working on a Drupal site that just updated its ckeditor library from 4.5.x to 4.9.2. On one of our servers the image button suddenly stopped appearing and I find the error "Error code: cloudservices-no-token-url." in the browser javascript console when I load any page with ckeditor.

                  我希望我可以禁用云服务来解决错误.我尝试使用 config.removePlugins = 'easyimage';在 config.js 中.我需要禁用其他使用云服务的插件吗?

                  I'm hoping I can disable cloudservices to resolve the error. I tried using config.removePlugins = 'easyimage'; in config.js. Are there other addons that use cloudservices I need to disable?


                  摆脱 EasyImage 的最简单方法是一开始就不下载它.

                  The simplest way to get rid of EasyImage is not downloading it in the first place.

                  请到CKEditor下载页面下载你感兴趣但没有的包EasyImage(不要选中 EasyImage 复选框).

                  Please go to CKEditor download page and download the package you are interested in but without EasyImage (don't check EasyImage checkbox).

                  或者可以使用在线生成器.请转到构建器页面,选择您喜欢但不包括 EasyImage 插件的预定义预设和插件之一.如果您将 CKEditor 与 CKFinder 或其他一些自定义文件管理器或上传器一起使用,则需要包含 文件浏览器 插件(默认提供完整和标准预设).

                  Alternatively use can use online builder. Please go to builder page, select one of predefined presets and plugins you like but don't include EasyImage plugin. If you are using CKEditor with CKFinder or some other custom file manager or uploader, you need to include File Browser plugin (available in Full and Standard presets by default).

                  这篇关于如何禁用 ckeditor 云服务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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