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      Why can I change a constant object in javascript(为什么我可以在javascript中更改常量对象)

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                我知道 ES6 还没有标准化,但是 很多浏览器目前都支持 const JS 中的关键字.

                I know that ES6 is not standardized yet, but a lot of browsers currently support const keyword in JS.



                The value of a constant cannot change through re-assignment, and a constant cannot be re-declared. Because of this, although it is possible to declare a constant without initializing it, it would be useless to do so.


                const xxx = 6;
                xxx = 999;
                const yyy = [];
                yyy = 'string';
                yyy = [15, 'a'];

                我看到一切正常 xxx 仍然是 6yyy[].

                I see that everything is ok xxx is still 6 and yyy is [].

                但是如果我这样做 yyy.push(6);yyy.push(1);,我的常量数组变了.现在它是 [6, 1] 顺便说一句,我仍然无法用 yyy = 1; 更改它.

                But if I do yyy.push(6); yyy.push(1);, my constant array has been changed. Right now it is [6, 1] and by the way I still can not change it with yyy = 1;.

                我这是一个错误,还是我遗漏了什么?我在最新的 chrome 和 FF29 中试了一下

                I this a bug, or am I missing something? I tried it in the latest chrome and FF29




                ...constant cannot change through re-assignment
                ...constant cannot be re-declared


                When you're adding to an array or object you're not re-assigning or re-declaring the constant, it's already declared and assigned, you're just adding to the "list" that the constant points to.


                const x = {};
                x.foo = 'bar';
                console.log(x); // {foo : 'bar'}
                x.foo = 'bar2';
                console.log(x); // {foo : 'bar2'}  


                const y = [];
                console.log(y); // ['foo']
                console.log(y); // ['foo2', 'foo']
                console.log(y); // ['foo2']


                const x = {};
                x = {foo: 'bar'}; // error - re-assigning
                const y = ['foo'];
                const y = ['bar']; // error - re-declaring
                const foo = 'bar'; 
                foo = 'bar2';       // error - can not re-assign
                var foo = 'bar3';   // error - already declared
                function foo() {};  // error - already declared




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