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      1. <legend id='JoNuy'><style id='JoNuy'><dir id='JoNuy'><q id='JoNuy'></q></dir></style></legend>
      2. 将 props 传递给 React Router 子路由

        Passing props to React Router children routes(将 props 传递给 React Router 子路由)
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                • 本文介绍了将 props 传递给 React Router 子路由的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我无法解决 React 路由器的问题.场景是我需要从状态父组件和路由传递子路由一组道具.
                  我想做的是传递 childRouteA 它的 propsA,并传递 childRouteB 它的 propsB.但是,我能弄清楚如何做到这一点的唯一方法是同时传递 RouteHandler propsApropsB 这意味着每个子路由都会获取每个子路由道具不管它是否相关.目前这不是一个阻塞问题,但我可以看到有一段时间我会使用相同组件中的两个,这意味着 propA 上的键将被 propB 上的键覆盖.

                  # 个路由路线 = (<Route name='filter' handler={ Parent } ><Route name='price' handler={ Child1 }/><Route name='time' handler={ Child2 }/></路线>)# 父组件渲染:->

                  <RouteHandler {...@allProps()}/></div>时间道具:->富:'酒吧'价格道具:->巴兹:'qux'#assign = 需要'object-assign'allProps:->分配 {}、timeProps()、priceProps()

                  这实际上按我期望的方式工作.当我链接到 /filters/time 时,我得到了 Child2 组件.当我去 /filters/price 我得到 Child1 组件呈现.问题是通过执行此过程, Child1Child2 都被传递 allProps() 即使它们分别只需要价格和时间道具.如果这两个组件具有相同的道具名称,这可能会成为一个问题,并且通常使用不需要的道具来膨胀组件并不是一个好习惯(因为在我的实际情况下有两个以上的孩子).
                  总之,有没有办法在我去时间路线(filters/time)时通过RouteHandler timeProps 并且只通过priceProps当我转到价格路线(filters/price)时到 RouteHandler 并避免将所有道具传递给所有子路线?


                  我遇到了类似的问题,发现可以通过this.props.route 访问Route上设置的props 在你的路由组件中.知道了这一点,我这样组织我的组件:


                  React.render((<路由器历史={new HashHistory()}><路由组件={App}><路线路径="/你好"名称=你好"组件={views.HelloView}水果={['橙子', '香蕉', '葡萄']}/></路线></路由器>), document.getElementById('app'));


                  class App 扩展 React.Component {构造函数(道具){超级(道具);}使成为() {返回 <div>{this.props.children}</div>;}}


                  class HelloView 扩展 React.Component {构造函数(道具){超级(道具);}使成为() {返回 

                  <ul>{this.props.route.fruits.map(fruit =><li key={fruit}>{fruit}</li>)}</ul></div>;}}

                  这是使用 react-router v1.0-beta3.希望这会有所帮助!



                  由于您的子 props 来自单个父组件,因此您的父组件(而不是 react-router)应该是管理渲染哪个子组件的组件,以便您可以控制传递哪些 props.



                  <Route name="filter" path="filter/:name" handler={Parent}/>


                  render: function () {if (this.props.params.name === 'price') {返回 <Child1 {...this.getPriceProps()}/>} else if (this.props.params.name === 'time') {返回 <Child2 {...this.getTimeProps()}/>} 别的 {//别的东西}}

                  I'm having trouble overcoming an issue with react router. The scenario is that i need to pass children routes a set of props from a state parent component and route.
                  what i would like to do is pass childRouteA its propsA, and pass childRouteB its propsB. However, the only way i can figure out how to do this is to pass RouteHandler both propsA and propsB which means every child route gets every child prop regardless of whether its relevant. this isnt a blocking issue at the moment, but i can see a time when i'd be using the two of the same component which means that keys on propA will overwritten by the keys by the keys of propB.

                  # routes
                  routes = (
                    <Route name='filter' handler={ Parent } >
                      <Route name='price' handler={ Child1 } />
                      <Route name='time' handler={ Child2 } />
                  # Parent component
                  render: ->
                      <RouteHandler {...@allProps()} />
                  timeProps: ->
                    foo: 'bar'
                  priceProps: ->
                    baz: 'qux'
                  # assign = require 'object-assign'
                  allProps: ->
                    assign {}, timeProps(), priceProps()

                  This actually works the way i expect it to. When i link to /filters/time i get the Child2 component rendered. when i go to /filters/price i get the Child1 component rendered. the issue is that by doing this process, Child1 and Child2 are both passed allProps() even though they only need price and time props, respectively. This can become an issue if those two components have an identical prop name and in general is just not a good practice to bloat components with unneeded props (as there are more than 2 children in my actual case).
                  so in summary, is there a way to pass the RouteHandler timeProps when i go to the time route (filters/time) and only pass priceProps to RouteHandler when i go to the price route (filters/price) and avoid passing all props to all children routes?


                  I ran into a similar issue and discovered that you can access props set on the Route through this.props.route in your route component. Knowing this, I organized my components like this:


                    <Router history={new HashHistory()}>
                      <Route component={App}>
                            fruits={['orange', 'banana', 'grape']}
                  ), document.getElementById('app'));


                  class App extends React.Component {
                    constructor(props) {
                    render() {
                      return <div>{this.props.children}</div>;


                  class HelloView extends React.Component {
                    constructor(props) {
                    render() {
                      return <div>
                          {this.props.route.fruits.map(fruit => 
                            <li key={fruit}>{fruit}</li>

                  This is using react-router v1.0-beta3. Hope this helps!

                  Ok, now that I'm understanding your issue better, here's what you could try.

                  Since your child props are coming from a single parent, your parent component, not react-router, should be the one managing which child gets rendered so that you can control which props are passed.

                  You could try changing your route to use a param, then inspect that param in your parent component to render the appropriate child component.


                  <Route name="filter" path="filter/:name" handler={Parent} />

                  Parent Component

                  render: function () {
                    if (this.props.params.name === 'price') {
                      return <Child1 {...this.getPriceProps()} />
                    } else if (this.props.params.name === 'time') {
                      return <Child2 {...this.getTimeProps()} />
                    } else {
                      // something else

                  这篇关于将 props 传递给 React Router 子路由的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Rails/Javascript: How to inject rails variables into (very) simple javascript(Rails/Javascript:如何将 rails 变量注入(非常)简单的 javascript)
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                  CoffeeScript always returns in anonymous function(CoffeeScript 总是以匿名函数返回)
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                  getFullYear returns year before on first day of year(getFullYear 在一年的第一天返回前一年)

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