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    1. 随每个骨干网同步请求发送令牌

      Send token with every backbone sync request(随每个骨干网同步请求发送令牌)
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              1. 本文介绍了随每个骨干网同步请求发送令牌的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我的 PHP api 要求我的前端 Backbone 应用程序的每个请求都提交一个用户令牌,以确保用户...

                My PHP api requires a user token be submitted with every request from my front-end Backbone app to make sure the user...

                1. 处于活动状态
                2. 有权访问资源

                在 Backbone 中进行设置的最简单方法是什么?我猜唯一的方法是覆盖 Backbone.sync,但代码会是什么样子?首选 CoffeeScript.

                What is the easiest way to set this up in Backbone? I am guessing the only way is to overwrite Backbone.sync, but what would the code look like? CoffeeScript preferred.

                1. 如果我收到 403: Access Forbidden Error
                ,我想将用户重定向到 /login2. 当应用程序启动时,我从 localStorage 中提取包含令牌的用户模型
                3. 我有一个 baseModel 和 baseCollection,所有模型/集合都来自

                Two more things
                1. I would like to redirect the user to /login if I get a 403: Access Forbidden Error
                2. I pull the user model which includes the token from localStorage when the app is bootstrapped
                3. I have a baseModel and baseCollection which all models / collections come from



                var _sync = Backbone.sync;
                Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
                    if( model && (method === 'create' || method === 'update' || method === 'patch') ) {
                        options.contentType = 'application/json';
                        options.data = JSON.stringify(options.attrs || model.toJSON());
                    _.extend( options.data, {
                        "access_token": "some-token"
                    return _sync.call( this, method, model, options );

                并且只需监听 fetch/save 方法的失败事件以将用户重定向到 /login

                And just listen for the fail event of fetch/save method to redirect a user to /login

                model.fetch().fail( /* redirect */ )




                Rails/Javascript: How to inject rails variables into (very) simple javascript(Rails/Javascript:如何将 rails 变量注入(非常)简单的 javascript)
                CoffeeScript always returns in anonymous function(CoffeeScript 总是以匿名函数返回)
                Ordinals in words javascript(javascript中的序数)
                getFullYear returns year before on first day of year(getFullYear 在一年的第一天返回前一年)
                How do I make a TextGeometry multiline? How do I put it inside a square so it wraps like html text does inside a div?(如何制作 TextGeometry 多线?如何将它放在一个正方形内,以便它像 html 文本一样包裹在 div 内?) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享社
                How to use coffeescript in developing web-sites?(如何在开发网站时使用coffeescript?)
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