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        Node.js: Configuration and routes in a different file(Node.js:不同文件中的配置和路由)

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                  我正在启动一个新的 Node.js 应用程序,这一次,我试图正确地组织代码,而不是将所有内容都放在同一个文件中.

                  I am starting a new Node.js app and this time, I'm trying to organize the code correctly instead of having everything in the same file.

                  我现在在 server.coffee 上只有一个简单的设置:

                  I only have a simple setup now at server.coffee:

                  express = require 'express'
                  app = module.exports = express.createServer()
                  ## CONFIGURATION ##
                  app.configure () ->
                   app.set 'views', __dirname + '/views'
                   app.set 'view engine', 'jade'
                   app.use express.bodyParser()
                   app.use express.logger('dev')
                   app.use express.profiler()
                   app.use express.methodOverride()
                   app.use app.router
                   app.use express.static(__dirname + '/public')
                  app.configure 'development', () ->
                   app.use express.errorHandler({dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true})
                  app.configure 'production', () ->
                   app.use express.errorHandler()
                  app.get '/', (req,res) ->
                    res.render 'index'
                      title: 'Express'
                  ## SERVER ##
                  port = process.env.PORT || 3000 
                  app.listen port, () ->
                    console.log "Listening on port" + port


                  I have some questions regarding that simple code and I know that all the answers depend on the developer but I really want to do it right:

                  • server.js 文件应该比 app.listen 多吗?究竟应该有什么?
                  • 不应该所有配置都在与路由不同的文件中吗?如何在运行 server.coffee 时将 app.get 删除到其他文件并使其工作?
                  • 我在 Hubot 等许多应用程序中看到的 index.coffee 究竟应该包含什么?
                  • Should the server.js file have more than the app.listen? What should be there exactly?
                  • Shouldn't all the configurations be in a different file than the routes? How can I remove the app.get to other file and make them work when I run the server.coffee?
                  • What exactly should contain the index.coffee that I see in a lot of apps like Hubot?


                  I hope someone can give me an answer other than "it depends".


                  您可以利用 require,只需将 app var 作为参数传递给方法.它不是最漂亮的语法,在 CoffeeScript 中也不是,但你应该明白.

                  You can leverage require, and simply pass the app var in as a parameter to a method. It's not the prettiest syntax, nor is it in CoffeeScript, but you should get the idea.

                  module.exports = function (app) {
                      // set up the routes themselves
                      app.get("/", function (req, res) {
                          // do stuff



                  如果您想更进一步,我会将路线分成更小的组,并放在它自己的子文件夹中.(例如:routes/auth.js 用于登录/注销,routes/main.js 用于 home/about/contact 等)

                  If you want to take it a step further, I separate my routes into smaller groups, and in it's own subfolder. (like: routes/auth.js for login/logout, routes/main.js for home/about/contact and so on)

                  // export a function that accepts `app` as a param
                  module.exports = function (app) {
                      // add new lines for each other module, or use an array with a forEach

                  (将之前的 routes.js 重命名为 routes/main.js,源本身保持不变)

                  (rename routes.js from before as routes/main.js, the source itself remains the same)




                  Rails/Javascript: How to inject rails variables into (very) simple javascript(Rails/Javascript:如何将 rails 变量注入(非常)简单的 javascript)
                  quot;Each child in an array should have a unique key propquot; only on first time render of page(“数组中的每个孩子都应该有一个唯一的 key prop仅在第一次呈现页面时)
                  Rails 3.1 ajax:success handling(Rails 3.1 ajax:成功处理)
                  CoffeeScript always returns in anonymous function(CoffeeScript 总是以匿名函数返回)
                  Ordinals in words javascript(javascript中的序数)
                  getFullYear returns year before on first day of year(getFullYear 在一年的第一天返回前一年)
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