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      2. 一组可供 Rails 应用程序使用的 CoffeeScript/JavaScript 类和方法

        Set of CoffeeScript/JavaScript classes and methods available to rest of Rails app(一组可供 Rails 应用程序使用的 CoffeeScript/JavaScript 类和方法)

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                  本文介绍了一组可供 Rails 应用程序使用的 CoffeeScript/JavaScript 类和方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  I'm using Rails 3.2.9. When I add CoffeeScript code to a .js.coffee file in the /app/assets/javascripts directory, I get the resulting JavaScript in all of my webpages. The problem is all the JavaScript is wrapped in:

                  (function() {
                    // my code

                  So any methods I define are not visible in any other CoffeeScript code I write in other files. What's the proper way to write a set of reusable CoffeeScript classes and methods with Rails?


                  The simplest thing to do is to namespace all your classes. If your application is called "app" then in your initialization code before anything else happens:

                  // Set up the namespace.
                  window.app = { }

                  and then in all your .coffee files:

                  class app.Pancakes

                  Then you'd have a global namespace and you'd reference everything through that namespace:

                  pancakes = new app.Pancakes

                  Similarly for simple functions:

                  app.where_is = (pancakes, house) -> ...
                  # And elsewhere...
                  x = app.where_is(...)

                  There are various ways of setting up and partially hiding the namespace but they're all variations on the above and simple namespacing plays nicely with the Rails asset pipeline.

                  这篇关于一组可供 Rails 应用程序使用的 CoffeeScript/JavaScript 类和方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Rails/Javascript: How to inject rails variables into (very) simple javascript(Rails/Javascript:如何将 rails 变量注入(非常)简单的 javascript)
                  Rails 3.1 ajax:success handling(Rails 3.1 ajax:成功处理)
                  CoffeeScript always returns in anonymous function(CoffeeScript 总是以匿名函数返回)
                  Ordinals in words javascript(javascript中的序数)
                  getFullYear returns year before on first day of year(getFullYear 在一年的第一天返回前一年)
                  How do I make a TextGeometry multiline? How do I put it inside a square so it wraps like html text does inside a div?(如何制作 TextGeometry 多线?如何将它放在一个正方形内,以便它像 html 文本一样包裹在 div 内?) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享社

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