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      1. 咖啡脚本类

        coffeescript Class(咖啡脚本类)
      2. <small id='lfbl6'></small><noframes id='lfbl6'>

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                1. 本文介绍了咖啡脚本类的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  当我用新的 Kinetic.Stage 替换新的画廊时,代码可以正常工作当我使用驱动类时,它不起作用.

                  When I replace new Gallery with new Kinetic.Stage the code works properly When I work with the dirived class it does not work.

                  为什么从 Kinetic.Stage 派生的画廊类型是错误的?

                  Why is the kind of deriving Gallery from Kinetic.Stage wrong ?

                  width = window.innerWidth   || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || 0
                  height = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || 0
                  class Gallery extends Kinetic.Stage
                    constructor: (config) -> 
                  window.onload = -> 
                    list_of_photos = jQuery('#_image img')
                    x_pos = width/4
                    y_pos = height/4
                    stage = new Gallery
                                  container: "gallery_container"
                                  width: width
                                  height: height
                    images_layer = new Kinetic.Layer()
                    for image in list_of_photos
                      imageObj = new Image()
                      imageObj.src = image.src
                      x_pos = x_pos + 100
                      y_pos = y_pos + 10
                      ori = new Kinetic.Image
                                  x: x_pos 
                                  y: y_pos
                                  image: imageObj
                                  draggable: true
                                  width: 200
                                  height: 200
                      images_layer.add ori
                    stage.add images_layer


                  问题 - Kineticjs 对象与咖啡脚本类不兼容".

                  Problem - Kineticjs Objects are not "compatible" with coffeescript classes.

                  解决 - 你必须使用其他方式调用超级"

                  Solving - You have to use other way of calling "super"

                  class Gallery extends Kinetic.Stage
                      constructor : (config) ->
                          Kinetic.Stage.call(@, config)



                  UPD: I found that this problem exists only for "constructor" method. Ok for others:

                  class Gallery extends Kinetic.Stage
                    constructor: (config) -> 
                      Kinetic.Stage.call(@, config)
                    add : (item) ->
                      super item




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