
Changing Function Access Mode in Derived Class(更改派生类中的函数访问模式)



struct Base
  virtual ~Base() {}

  virtual void Foo() const = 0; // Public

class Child : public Base
  virtual void Foo() const {} // Private

int main()
  Child child;

  child.Foo(); // Won't work. Foo is private in this context.

  static_cast<Base&> (child).Foo(); // Okay. Foo is public in this context.

这是合法的 C++ 吗?this"正在改变派生类中虚函数的访问模式.

Is this legal C++? "This" being changing the virtual function's access mode in the derived class.



Yes, changing the access mode in derived classes is legal.

这在形式上相似,但在意图上与不同/Non-Virtual_Interface" rel="noreferrer">非虚拟接口 习惯用法.此处给出了一些理由:

This is similar in form but different in intent to the Non-Virtual Interface idiom. Some rationale is given here:


The point is that virtual functions exist to allow customization; unless they also need to be invoked directly from within derived classes' code, there's no need to ever make them anything but private.

至于为什么您实际上会在基础中制作public,而在没有privateprotected 的派生中制作private继承超出了我的范围.

As to why you would actually make something public in base but private in derived without private or protected inheritance is beyond me.




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