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        将库添加到 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 项目

        Add Library to Visual Studio 2008 C++ Project(将库添加到 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 项目)
      1. <i id='Mljqj'><tr id='Mljqj'><dt id='Mljqj'><q id='Mljqj'><span id='Mljqj'><b id='Mljqj'><form id='Mljqj'><ins id='Mljqj'></ins><ul id='Mljqj'></ul><sub id='Mljqj'></sub></form><legend id='Mljqj'></legend><bdo id='Mljqj'><pre id='Mljqj'><center id='Mljqj'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='Mljqj'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='Mljqj'><tfoot id='Mljqj'></tfoot><dl id='Mljqj'><fieldset id='Mljqj'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  本文介绍了将库添加到 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 项目的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  I'm completely new to Visual Studio and I'm having some trouble getting a project started with Visual Studio 2008. I'm experimenting with MAPI, and I'm getting error messages like this when I go to build the project:

                  "unresolved external symbol _MAPIUninitialize@0 referenced in function _main"

                  I know I need to link to MAPI32.lib, but the guides I have found thus far have indicated going to the "Visual Studio settings link tab" and adding it there (which was - apparently - from an older version of Visual Studio). I can't find anything like that in the project properties linker or C/C++ sections of VS 2008.

                  Where do I need to tell Visual Studio to use that library?



                  It's under Project Properties / Configuration Properties / Linker / Input / Additional Dependencies.

                  The help tip at the bottom of the screen says "Specifies additional items add to the line line (ex: kernel32.lib)".

                  这篇关于将库添加到 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  C++ stl unordered_map implementation, reference validity(C++ stl unordered_map 实现,参考有效性)
                  C++: Is it possible to use a reference as the value in a map?(C++:是否可以使用引用作为映射中的值?)
                  Where ampersand quot;amp;quot; can be put when passing argument by reference?(其中符号“amp;通过引用传递参数时可以放置吗?)
                  Why can a non-const reference parameter be bound to a temporary object?(为什么可以将非常量引用参数绑定到临时对象?)
                  What is a dangling reference?(什么是悬空引用?)
                  C++ reference changes when push_back new element to std::vector(当 push_back 新元素到 std::vector 时,C++ 引用发生变化)
                  <i id='RYygB'><tr id='RYygB'><dt id='RYygB'><q id='RYygB'><span id='RYygB'><b id='RYygB'><form id='RYygB'><ins id='RYygB'></ins><ul id='RYygB'></ul><sub id='RYygB'></sub></form><legend id='RYygB'></legend><bdo id='RYygB'><pre id='RYygB'><center id='RYygB'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='RYygB'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='RYygB'><tfoot id='RYygB'></tfoot><dl id='RYygB'><fieldset id='RYygB'></fieldset></dl></div>

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