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      1. unordered_map 真的是无序的吗?

        Is the unordered_map really unordered?(unordered_map 真的是无序的吗?)
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                  本文介绍了unordered_map 真的是无序的吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I am very confused by the name 'unordered_map'. The name suggests that the keys are not ordered at all. But I always thought they are ordered by their hash value. Or is that wrong (because the name implies that they are not ordered)?


                  Or to put it different: Is this

                  typedef map<K, V, HashComp<K> > HashMap;

                  template<typename T>
                  struct HashComp {
                      bool operator<(const T& v1, const T& v2) const {
                          return hash<T>()(v1) < hash<T>()(v2);

                  typedef unordered_map<K, V> HashMap;

                  ?(好吧,不完全是,STL 会在这里抱怨,因为可能有键 k1,k2 并且 k1 multimap 并覆盖相等检查.)

                  ? (OK, not exactly, STL will complain here because there may be keys k1,k2 and neither k1 < k2 nor k2 < k1. You would need to use multimap and overwrite the equal-check.)


                  Or again differently: When I iterate through them, can I assume that the key-list is ordered by their hash value?


                  在回答您编辑的问题时,这两个片段根本不相等.std::map 将节点存储在树结构中,unordered_map 将它们存储在哈希表中*.

                  In answer to your edited question, no those two snippets are not equivalent at all. std::map stores nodes in a tree structure, unordered_map stores them in a hashtable*.


                  Keys are not stored in order of their "hash value" because they're not stored in any order at all. They are instead stored in "buckets" where each bucket corresponds to a range of hash values. Basically, the implementation goes like this:

                  function add_value(object key, object value) {
                     int hash = key.getHash();
                     int bucket_index = hash % NUM_BUCKETS;
                     if (buckets[bucket_index] == null) {
                         buckets[bucket_index] = new linked_list();
                     buckets[bucket_index].add(new key_value(key, value));
                  function get_value(object key) {
                     int hash = key.getHash();
                     int bucket_index = hash % NUM_BUCKETS;
                     if (buckets[bucket_index] == null) {
                         return null;
                     foreach(key_value kv in buckets[bucket_index]) {
                         if (kv.key == key) {
                             return kv.value;

                  显然这是一个严重的简化,真正的实现会更加先进(例如,支持调整 buckets 数组的大小,可能使用树结构而不是链表作为存储桶,等等),但这应该可以让您了解如何无法以任何特定顺序取回值.请参阅维基百科了解更多信息.

                  Obviously that's a serious simplification and real implementation would be much more advanced (for example, supporting resizing the buckets array, maybe using a tree structure instead of linked list for the buckets, and so on), but that should give an idea of how you can't get back the values in any particular order. See wikipedia for more information.

                  * 从技术上讲,std::mapunordered_map 的内部实现是实现定义的,但标准要求一定的 Big-O 复杂度来实现 暗示那些内部实现

                  * Technically, the internal implementation of std::map and unordered_map are implementation-defined, but the standard requires certain Big-O complexity for operations that implies those internal implementations

                  这篇关于unordered_map 真的是无序的吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                  How should a size-limited stl-like container be implemented?(应该如何实现大小受限的 stl 类容器?)
                  Constructing std::function argument from lambda(从 lambda 构造 std::function 参数)
                  STL BigInt class implementation(STL BigInt 类实现)
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                  Move list element to the end in STL(在 STL 中将列表元素移动到末尾)
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