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      2. .NET 属性的历史前身是什么?

        What was the Historical Precursor for .NET Attributes?(.NET 属性的历史前身是什么?)

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                  本文介绍了.NET 属性的历史前身是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  什么语言或平台影响了 .NET 1.0 团队从一开始就内置了属性的概念?这是面向方面的事情吗?序列化?或者是其他东西?当时我还在 VB6 领域,从未使用过任何 1.0 之前的 .NET 版本.

                  What languages or platforms influenced the .NET 1.0 Team to build-in the concept of Attributes from the very start? Was this an Aspect-Oriented thing? Serialization? or something else? I was still in VB6-land at this time, and never used any of the pre-1.0 .NET versions.


                  信不信由你来自 VB 和 Microsoft Transaction Server/COM+ 开发团队的经验/反馈对 .NET 的一些设计原理、属性和元数据.

                  Believe it or not experiences/feedback from VB and Microsoft Transaction Server/COM+ dev teams had a bit part in some of the design rational of .NET, attributes and metadata.

                  VB6 添加了对 COM+/MTS 可以读取并确定对象应如何表现的属性/元数据的支持.还记得类中的所有设置,例如需要事务"、需要新事务"等吗?它们实际上是面向方面的属性.有一个很棒的 Don Box 采访关于这一切的地方,当我再次找到它时,我会发布一个链接.

                  VB6 added support for attributes/metadata that COM+/MTS could read and determine how an object should behave. Remember all those settings on your classes such as 'Requires Transaction', 'Requires New Transaction' and so on? They were effectively aspect orientated attributes. There's a great Don Box interview about all this somewhere, and when I find it again I'll post a link.

                  这篇关于.NET 属性的历史前身是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Performance overhead of using attributes in .NET(在 .NET 中使用属性的性能开销)
                  Accessing attribute info from DTE(从 DTE 访问属性信息)
                  c# Hide a property in datagridview with datasource(c#使用数据源隐藏datagridview中的属性)
                  Extract Display name and description Attribute from within a HTML helper(从 HTML 帮助器中提取显示名称和描述属性)
                  How can I force the PropertyGrid to show a custom dialog for a specific property?(如何强制 PropertyGrid 显示特定属性的自定义对话框?)
                  Associate attribute with code generated property in .net(将属性与 .net 中的代码生成属性相关联)
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