Why cant I get consistent reads for global-secondary-indexes?
(id 为哈希)
The table: tblUsers
(id as hash)
(电子邮件作为哈希,id 作为属性)
Global Secondary Index: tblUsersEmailIndex
(email as hash, id as attribute)
Global Secondary Index: tblUsersUsernameIndex
(username as hash, id as attribute)
I query the indexes to check if a given email or username is present, so I dont create a duplicate user.
Now, the problem is I cant do consistent reads for queries on the indexes. But why not? This is one of the few occasions I actually need up-to-date data.
根据 AWS 文档:
Queries on global secondary indexes support eventual consistency only.
Changes to the table data are propagated to the global secondary indexes within a fraction of a second, under normal conditions. However, in some unlikely failure scenarios, longer propagation delays might occur. Because of this, your applications need to anticipate and handle situations where a query on a global secondary index returns results that are not up-to-date.
But how do i handle this situation? How can I make sure that a given email or username is not already present in the db?
You probably already went through this: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GSI.html
The short answer is that you cannot do what you want to do with Global Secondary Indexes (ie it's always eventual consistency).
A solution here would be to have a separate table w/ the attribute you're interested in as a key and do consistent reads there. You would need to ensure you are updating that whenever you are inserting new entities, and you would also have to worry about the edge case in which inserts there succeed, but not in the main table (ie you need to ensure they are in sync)
Another solution would be to scan the whole table, but that would probably be overkill if the table is large.
您为什么关心有人使用同一电子邮件创建 2 个帐户?您可以只使用用户名作为主哈希键,而不是强制电子邮件唯一性.
Why do you care if somebody creates 2 accounts with the same email? You could just use the username as the primary hash key and just not enforce the email uniqueness.
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