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        使用 .NET SDK 在 DynamoDB 中持久化动态对象

        Persisting dynamic object in DynamoDB with .NET SDK(使用 .NET SDK 在 DynamoDB 中持久化动态对象)
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                • 本文介绍了使用 .NET SDK 在 DynamoDB 中持久化动态对象的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 .NET SDK 将以下类持久化到 DynamoDB:

                  I'm trying to persist the following class to DynamoDB using the .NET SDK:

                  public class MyClass
                      public string Id { get; set; }
                      public string Name { get; set; }
                      public object Settings { get; set; }

                  问题在于设置属性.它可以是任何类型的对象,我事先不知道可能分配给它什么.当我尝试将其持久化到 DynamoDB 时,出现以下异常:

                  The problem is with the Settings property. It can be any type of object, and I do not know in advance what might be assigned to it. When I try to persist it to DynamoDB, I get the following exception:

                  System.InvalidOperationException: 'Type System.Object is unsupported, it has no supported members'

                  Document Model 和 Object Persistence Model 方法都会导致相同的异常.

                  Both the Document Model and Object Persistence Model methods result in the same exception.

                  有没有办法将这些对象持久保存在 DynamoDB 中?其他数据库(如 MongoDB 和 Azure DocumentDB)可以毫无问题地执行此操作,并且可以将它们反序列化为带有鉴别器的正确类型,或作为动态 JSON 对象.

                  Is there a way to persist these objects in DynamoDB? Other databases like MongoDB and Azure DocumentDB will do this without any issue, and they can be deserialized to either the proper type with a discriminator, or as a dynamic JSON object.



                  You can use the general approach documented here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBContext.ArbitraryDataMapping.html


                  Here's my implementation for any arbitrary object:

                  public class DataConverter : IPropertyConverter
                      public object FromEntry(DynamoDBEntry entry)
                          var primitive = entry as Primitive;
                          if (primitive == null || !(primitive.Value is String) || string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)primitive.Value))
                              throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                          object ret = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(primitive.Value as string);
                          return ret;
                      public DynamoDBEntry ToEntry(object value)
                          var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);
                          DynamoDBEntry ret = new Primitive(jsonString);
                          return ret;


                  Then annotate your property like this:

                  public object data { get; set; }

                  这篇关于使用 .NET SDK 在 DynamoDB 中持久化动态对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  C# namespace alias - what#39;s the point?(C# 命名空间别名 - 有什么意义?)
                  Using Xpath With Default Namespace in C#(在 C# 中使用具有默认命名空间的 Xpath)
                  IBM.Data.DB2.Core connection problems(IBM.Data.DB2.Core 连接问题)
                  Generating an EDMX from a DB2 Database(从 DB2 数据库生成 EDMX)
                  Datetime field overflow with IBM Data Server Client v9.7fp5(IBM Data Server Client v9.7fp5 的日期时间字段溢出)
                  Using entity Framework with .NET Core and DB2(将实体框架与 .NET Core 和 DB2 结合使用)

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