T-SQL 从视图中选择变量要慢得多

T-SQL Select from view much slower with variable(T-SQL 从视图中选择变量要慢得多)
本文介绍了T-SQL 从视图中选择变量要慢得多的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 where 子句中指定值时,我有一个运行速度很快(<1s)的视图:

I have a view that runs fast (< 1s) when specifying a value in the where clause:

FROM vwPayments
WHERE AccountId = 8155


...but runs slow (~3s) when that value is a variable:

DECLARE @AccountId BIGINT = 8155

FROM vwPayments
WHERE AccountId = @AccountId


Why is the execution plan different for the second query? Why is it running so much slower?


简而言之,查询优化器用来选择最佳计划的统计分析会在值为已知值时选择查找,并且它可以利用统计信息和扫描值未知.它在第二个选择中选择扫描,因为在知道 where 子句的值之前编译计划.

In short the statistical analysis the query optimizer uses to pick the best plan picks a seek when the value is a known value and it can leverage statistics and a scan when the value is not known. It picks a scan in the second choice because the plan is compiled before the value of the where clause is known.

虽然我很少建议在这种特定情况下使用查询分析器,但您可以使用 forceseek 提示或其他查询提示来覆盖引擎.但是请注意,在引擎的帮助下找到获得最佳计划的方法是更好的解决方案.

While I rarely recommend bossing the query analyzer around in this specific case you can use a forceseek hint or other query hints to override the engine. Be aware however, that finding a way to get an optimal plan with the engine's help is a MUCH better solution.


I did a quick Google and found a decent article that goes into the concept of local variables affecting query plans more deeply.

这篇关于T-SQL 从视图中选择变量要慢得多的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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