如何在sql server中进行交易技术分析计算?

How to do Trading Technical analysis calculations in sql server?(如何在sql server中进行交易技术分析计算?)
本文介绍了如何在sql server中进行交易技术分析计算?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我如何像在 excel 中一样使用 T-SQL 在 SQL SERVER 数据库中进行技术分析指标计算,例如平均方向指数、随机振荡器等?如果可能的话,是否可以像在excel中做宏一样制作程序.提前致谢.

How i can do Technical Analysis indicator calculations like Average directional index, stochastic oscillators etc in SQL SERVER database by using T-SQL as doing in excel? If it possible, is it good for making procudures as doing macros in excel. Thanks in advance.


过程代码是在 MS SQL Server 中用 T-SQL 编写的.它与 Excel 宏一样好,也许功能更强大一些,但您对它们的熟悉程度可能不如旧版 Excel.

Procedural code is written in T-SQL in MS SQL Server. It's as good as Excel macros and perhaps a bit more powerful, but they aren't likely to be as familiar to you as good old Excel.

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