I have a production database where occasionally redundant rows in a single table need to be "Merged".
假设此表中的两行具有相同的值,除了它们的 ID.
Let's assume that both rows in this table have identical values, except their IDs.
我们还假设存在多个相关表.因为在PrimaryStuff"表中创建了重复项,所以通常在这些子表中创建的行都应该与 PrimaryStuff 表上的单个记录相关.这些表的数量和名称不在我的控制之下,应该在运行时动态考虑. IE:我不知道名称甚至相关记录的数量,因为其他人可能会编辑数据库在我不知情的情况下.
Let's also assume that a number of related tables exist. Because duplicates were created in the "PrimaryStuff" table, often rows are created in these child tables that SHOULD all be related to a single record on the PrimaryStuff table. The number and names of these tables are not under my control and should be considered dynamically at runtime. IE: I don't know the names or even the number of related records, as other people may edit the database without my knowledge.
为了解决 PrimaryStuff 的第 1 行和第 2 行的重复问题,我希望所有相关的表都将它们的 FK 更改为 1,然后删除 PrimaryStuff 的第 2 行.这应该是微不足道的,就好像 PrimaryStuff 的行一样1 不存在,我只需将第 2 行的主键更新为 1,更改就会级联出来.我不能这样做,因为这将是 PrimaryStuff 的唯一索引中的重复键.
To resolve the duplication of PrimaryStuff's row 1 and 2, I wish to have ALL related tables change their FK's to 1s and then delete the PrimaryStuff's row 2. This SHOULD be trivial, as if PrimaryStuff's row 1 didn't exist, I could just update the Primary Key on Row 2 to 1, and the changes would cascade out. I cannot do this because that would be a duplicate key in the PrimaryStuff's unique index.
Feel free to ask questions and I'll try to clear up anything that's confusing.
首先让我们获取需要更新的行列表(据我所知,您希望最低 ID 替换所有较高 ID)
First lets get a list of the rows that need to be updated (as I understand it you want the lowest ID to replace all the higher IDs)
我们可以去掉 FirstID 和 ID 匹配的那些,这些都没有关系
We can remove the ones where FirstID and ID match, these don't matter
现在我们有一个更改列表.我们可以在更新语句中使用它,将其放入临时表(或我在下面所做的 CTE)中:
Now we have a change list. We can use this in an update statement, put it in a temp table (or a CTE as I did below):
注意 - 代码未经测试,可能有错别字.
NB - Code not tested, might have typos.
这篇关于T-SQL“合并"两行,或“Rekey"所有 FK 关系的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!