现在有一个业务规则规定,用户只能收到一个针对特定 RequestScheme 的请求.所以我为 RequestSchemeId+ReceivedByUserId 创建了一个 UniqueKey 约束.哪个应该可以解决我的问题
Now one business rule says that a user can receive only one Request for a particular RequestScheme. So I created a UniqueKey constraint for RequestSchemeId+ReceivedByUserId. Which should solve my problem
The second business rule is that request can be forwarded to another user only if forwarded user does not already have a forwarded request under the same scheme from any other user.
我能想到的解决方案是 ForwardedRequests 表中的 RequestSchemeId 列,它只是 Requests 表相关行中值的副本,然后在 ForwardedToUserId+RequestSchemeId 上添加唯一约束.
The solution I can think of is a RequestSchemeId column in the ForwardedRequests table which is just a copy of the value in the related row of the Requests table and then add a unique constraint on ForwardedToUserId+RequestSchemeId.
Is this the correct way of doing it? If not what is?
当在后者中创建新行时,如何从 Requests 到 ForwardedRequests 获取 RequestSchemeId 的值?UDF 是我看过的东西,但它似乎有一些问题,我需要标准/推荐的方法来做到这一点而不是片状.
How do I get value of the RequestSchemeId from Requests to ForwardedRequests when a new row is created in the latter? UDF is something I looked at but it seemed to have some gotchas and I need the standard/recommended way of doing this not something flaky.
You can use a unique index on a view to enforce this constraint. Example below.