
Perform Union if table with these names exist(如果存在具有这些名称的表,则执行联合)


我有考勤数据库,每个月都会生成新表像 TRNS0419,TRNS0519,TRNS0619,TRNS0719.为了合并数据,我使用了 Union.但是每个月我都手动输入表名,有没有办法在生成新表时自动选择数据,例如 TRNS0819

I have attendance database where every month new table get generated like TRNS0419,TRNS0519,TRNS0619,TRNS0719.To combine data i have used Union. But every month i have enter table name manually, Is there any way if automaticalls picks data when ever new table gets generated such TRNS0819

我尝试过使用 union all,但它没有使用不存在的表.

I have tried using union all but its isnt taking table which is not present.

Select * from TRNS0419 union all Select * from TRNS0519
union all Select * from TRNS0619 union all Select * from TRNS0719

我的查询没有采用 union all Select * from TRNS0819 因为这在 db 中不可用

my query is not taking union all Select * from TRNS0819 because this isn't available in db


It should combine all tables and show result in find temp table. Please help



Wrap the following code in stored procedure:


SELECT @DynamicTSQLStatement = STUFF
        SELECT N' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ' + '[' + SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]) + '].[' + [name] + ']'
        FROM [sys].[tables]
        WHERE [name] LIKE 'TRNS%'
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')

EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicTSQLStatement;

当从 [sys].[tables] 视图中提取表名时,您可以添加更多过滤器.

You can add more filters when table name is extracted from the [sys].[tables] view.




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