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        Autoincrement in oracle to already created table(oracle中的自动增量到已经创建的表)

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                • 本文介绍了oracle中的自动增量到已经创建的表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  How to add auto-increment to the existing column in oracle? Column has already been created and it is the primary key of the table. Just want to alter table to be autoincrement. Below is the column details

                   Column Name         DATA_TYPE              NULLABLE
                   SEQ_ID             VARCHAR2(9 BYTE)        No  


                  Autoincrement number should be starting from 150111111 to the values such as 150111112, 150111113 etc



                  11g 和之前,创建一个 sequence 以通过 trigger.请参阅 Pre 12c 版本中的自动递增主键(身份功能)

                  On 11g and prior, create a sequence to increment the column via trigger. See Auto-increment primary key in Pre 12c releases (Identity functionality)



                  SQL> CREATE TABLE t (
                    2    ID           NUMBER(10)    NOT NULL,
                    3    text  VARCHAR2(50)  NOT NULL);
                  Table created.

                  PRIMARY KEY 由序列填充

                  SQL> ALTER TABLE t ADD (
                    2    CONSTRAINT id_pk PRIMARY KEY (ID));
                  Table altered.


                  SQL> CREATE SEQUENCE t_seq
                    2  START WITH 150111111
                    3  INCREMENT BY 1;
                  Sequence created.

                  TRIGGER 如果您不想在 INSERT 中包含序列,您可以通过 TRIGGER 自动执行.

                  TRIGGER If you do not want to have the sequence in the INSERT , you could automate it via TRIGGER.

                  SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER t_trg
                    2  BEFORE INSERT ON t
                    3  FOR EACH ROW
                    4  WHEN (new.id IS NULL)
                    5  BEGIN
                    6    SELECT t_seq.NEXTVAL
                    7    INTO   :new.id
                    8    FROM   dual;
                    9  END;
                   10  /
                  Trigger created.


                  SQL> INSERT INTO t(text) VALUES('auto-increment test 1');
                  1 row created.
                  SQL> INSERT INTO t(text) VALUES('auto-increment test 2');
                  1 row created.

                  让我们看看我们是否让 ID 列自动增加了所需的值-

                  Let's see if we have the ID column auto-incremented with the desired values-

                  SQL> SELECT * FROM t;
                          ID TEXT
                  ---------- --------------------------------------------------
                   150111111 auto-increment test 1
                   150111112 auto-increment test 2

                  因此,ID 列现在从值 150111111 开始,并在后续插入时递增 1.

                  So, the ID column now starts with value 150111111 and increments by 1 with subsequent inserts.

                  12c 上,使用 身份列.请参阅 IDENTITY 列自动增量功能在 Oracle 12c 中

                  On 12c , use Identity column. See IDENTITY column autoincrement functionality in Oracle 12c



                  SQL> CREATE TABLE t
                    2    (
                    4      START WITH 150111111 INCREMENT BY 1,
                    5      text VARCHAR2(50)
                    6    );
                  Table created.


                  SQL> INSERT INTO t
                    2    ( text
                    3    ) VALUES
                    4    ( 'This table has an identity column'
                    5    );
                  1 row created.

                  让我们看看我们是否让 ID 列自动增加了所需的值-

                  Let's see if we have the ID column auto-incremented with the desired values-

                  SQL> COLUMN text format A40
                  SQL> SELECT * FROM t;
                          ID TEXT
                  ---------- ----------------------------------------
                   150111111 This table has an identity column

                  因此,ID 列现在从值 150111111 开始,并在后续插入时递增 1.

                  So, the ID column now starts with value 150111111 and increments by 1 with subsequent inserts.

                  Oracle 创建一个 sequence 来填充 identity 列.你可以找到它命名为 ISEQ$$

                  Oracle creates a sequence to populate the identity column. You can find it named as ISEQ$$

                  SQL> SELECT sequence_name,
                    2    min_value,
                    3    max_value,
                    4    increment_by
                    5  FROM user_sequences;
                  SEQUENCE_NAME                   MIN_VALUE  MAX_VALUE INCREMENT_BY
                  ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------
                  ISEQ$$_94087                            1 1.0000E+28            1

                  有关标识列的更多信息,请使用 ALL_TAB_IDENTITY_COLS 视图.

                  More information about the identity columns, use the ALL_TAB_IDENTITY_COLS view.

                  SQL> SELECT table_name,
                    2    column_name,
                    3    generation_type,
                    4    identity_options
                    5  FROM all_tab_identity_cols
                    6  WHERE owner = 'LALIT'
                    7  ORDER BY 1,
                    8    2;
                  -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------
                  T                    ID          ALWAYS     START WITH: 150111111, INCREMENT BY: 1, 
                                                              MIN_VALUE: 1, CYCLE_FLAG: N, CACHE_SIZE: 20, 
                                                              ORDER_FLAG: N




                  Oracle PL/SQL - Raise User-Defined Exception With Custom SQLERRM(Oracle PL/SQL - 使用自定义 SQLERRM 引发用户定义的异常)
                  Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
                  SELECT INTO using Oracle(使用 Oracle SELECT INTO)
                  How to handle Day Light Saving in Oracle database(如何在 Oracle 数据库中处理夏令时)
                  PL/SQL - Use quot;Listquot; Variable in Where In Clause(PL/SQL - 使用“列表Where In 子句中的变量)
                  Oracle: Import CSV file(Oracle:导入 CSV 文件)

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