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        Oracle 上的条件求和

        Conditional SUM on Oracle(Oracle 上的条件求和)

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                  本文介绍了Oracle 上的条件求和的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用条件 SUM 进行查询.SUM 需要超过 15,然后重置它.像这样:

                  Im tring to make a query with a conditional SUM. The SUM needs to get more than 15, after that reset it. Like this:

                  A | 3 | 3 
                  B | 7 | 10 
                  C | 6 | 16  -- ====
                  D | 5 | 5 
                  E | 9 | 14
                  F | 3 | 17  -- ====
                  G | 8 | 8



                  作为递归 SQL 的替代方案,您还可以使用 SQL MODEL 子句.就我个人而言,我觉得这比递归 SQL 更容易阅读,尽管它更难编写(因为大多数人,像我一样,需要查找语法).

                  As an alternative to recursive SQL, you can also use the SQL MODEL clause. Personally, I find this a little easier to read than recursive SQL, though it is harder to write (because most people, like me, need to look up the syntax).

                  -- "test_data" is just a substitute for your real table, which I don't have
                  -- it is just so people without your table can run this example and would
                  -- not be part of your real solution.
                  with test_data ( sort_col, addend ) as
                  ( SELECT 'A', 3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'B', 7 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'C', 6 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'D', 5 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'E', 9 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'F', 3 FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                   SELECT 'G', 8 FROM DUAL ),
                  -- Solution begins here
                  sorted_inputs ( sort_col, sort_order, addend, running_sum_max_15) as
                  ( SELECT sort_col, row_number() over ( order by sort_col ) sort_order, addend, 0 from test_data )
                  SELECT sort_col, addend, running_sum_max_15
                  from sorted_inputs
                  dimension by (sort_order)
                  measures ( sort_col, addend, running_sum_max_15 )
                  rules update
                  ( running_sum_max_15[1] = addend[1],
                    running_sum_max_15[sort_order>1] = 
                            case when running_sum_max_15[CV(sort_order)-1] < 15 THEN 
                               running_sum_max_15[CV(sort_order)-1] ELSE 0 END+addend[CV(sort_order)]


                  | SORT_COL | ADDEND | RUNNING_SUM_MAX_15 |
                  | A        |      3 |                  3 |
                  | B        |      7 |                 10 |
                  | C        |      6 |                 16 |
                  | D        |      5 |                  5 |
                  | E        |      9 |                 14 |
                  | F        |      3 |                 17 |
                  | G        |      8 |                  8 |

                  这篇关于Oracle 上的条件求和的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Oracle PL/SQL - Raise User-Defined Exception With Custom SQLERRM(Oracle PL/SQL - 使用自定义 SQLERRM 引发用户定义的异常)
                  Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
                  SELECT INTO using Oracle(使用 Oracle SELECT INTO)
                  How to handle Day Light Saving in Oracle database(如何在 Oracle 数据库中处理夏令时)
                  PL/SQL - Use quot;Listquot; Variable in Where In Clause(PL/SQL - 使用“列表Where In 子句中的变量)
                  Oracle: Import CSV file(Oracle:导入 CSV 文件)

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