是否有可用的 PL/SQL 包或引擎来支持从存储过程创建 PDF 报告?
Is there PL/SQL package or engine available which would enable the creation of PDF reports from stored procedures?
如果您正在寻找免费软件或开源软件包,他们就是这个.我没用过,但口碑不错.lPL_FPDF 如果你有预算,那么这个,哪个企业级产品,意味着优秀的文档,可用.plpdf.
If your looking for a freeware or open source package, their is this. I've not used it, but it has good reviews. lPL_FPDF If you have a budget, then this, which enterprise class product, meaning excellent documentation, is available. plpdf.
商业包是用原生的 Pl/SQL 编写的,因此非常易于使用.开源包我不知道.
The commercial package is written in native Pl/SQL so will be very easy to use. The open source package I don't know.
如果您在 Oracle 环境中使用任何报告服务器运行,那么所有这些服务器都支持将 PDF 发送到打印机并作为 blob 存储在数据库中.根据我的记忆,配置它是一项相当乏味的任务.
If your running in an Oracle environment, with any of the reports servers, then all of then support PDF being emitted both to the printer and stored in the db as blobs. Its a fairly tedious task to configure it, from what I remember.
这篇关于如何使用 PL/SQL 创建 PDF 报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!