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        查找 SQL 中引用的列名和表名

        find column names and table names referenced in SQL(查找 SQL 中引用的列名和表名)

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                  本文介绍了查找 SQL 中引用的列名和表名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  如何查找 SQL 中使用的所有表名和列名?它位于 ORACLE 数据库上.下面是一个 SQL 示例.

                  How to find all the tables and column names used in a SQL? It is on ORACLE database. Below is an SQL example.

                     A.AGE as EMP_AGE,
                     emp a,
                     dept b
                     a.deptno= b.deptno


                  TABLENAME, COLUMNNAME
                  EMP, ENAME
                  EMP, DEPTNO
                  EMP, AGE
                  DEPT, DNAME
                  DEPT, DEPTNO


                  I did some research and failed to find a perfect solution. does it help if we create a view or stored procedure? Please advise.



                  I have a great solution for you, but there are two things you will need to do:

                  1. 将 SQL 放在 PL/SQL 程序单元中.所以,是的,你提到的存储过程.

                  1. Place the SQL inside a PL/SQL program unit. So, yes, to the stored procedure you mentioned.

                  在 12.2 实例上编译该程序单元和所有相关表(即安装您的应用程序代码)(您可以在 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index.html 或者您可以购买访问 cloud.oracle.com 的 Exadata Express CLoud 服务,或访问 cloud.oracle.com/tryit 获得 300 美元的信用额度,免费使用一个月).

                  Compile that program unit and all dependent tables (that is, install your application code) on a 12.2 instance (you can download 12.2 at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/index.html or you can purchase an Exadata Express CLoud Service at cloud.oracle.com or get a $300 credit to use one at no cost for a month at cloud.oracle.com/tryit).

                  12.2 是关键,因为您真正想要使用的功能称为 PL/Scope,它是一个编译器工具,用于收集有关 PL/SQL 标识符(从 11.1 开始)和 PL/'SQL(从 12.2 开始)中的 SQL 使用情况的信息).

                  12.2 is key because the feature you REALLY want to use is called PL/Scope and it is a compiler tool that collections information about PL/SQL identifiers (as of 11.1) and SQL usage inside PL/'SQL (as of 12.2).

                  CREATE TABLE my_data (n NUMBER)
                  ALTER SESSION SET plscope_settings='identifiers:all, statements:all'
                  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_procedure (n_in IN NUMBER)
                     AUTHID DEFINER
                     l_n           my_data.n%TYPE;
                     CURSOR all_data_cur
                            SELECT *
                              FROM my_data
                        FOR UPDATE OF n;
                     INSERT INTO my_data (n)
                          VALUES (n_in);
                    SELECT idt.line,
                           idt.owner || '.' || idt.object_name code_unit, 
                           idt.name column_name,
                           RTRIM (src.text, CHR (10)) text
                      FROM all_identifiers idt, all_source src
                     WHERE     idt.usage = 'REFERENCE'
                           AND idt.TYPE = 'COLUMN'
                           AND idt.line = src.line
                           AND idt.object_name = src.name
                           AND idt.owner = src.owner
                           AND idt.object_name = 'MY_PROCEDURE'
                  ORDER BY code_unit, line
                  LINE CODE_UNIT          COLUMN_NAME TEXT  
                  4   STEVEN.MY_PROCEDURE N           l_n           my_data.n%TYPE;
                  10  STEVEN.MY_PROCEDURE N           FOR UPDATE OF n;
                  12  STEVEN.MY_PROCEDURE N           INSERT INTO my_data (n)


                  在 livesql.oracle.com 上有更多 PL/Scope 示例.只需搜索pl/scope"(废话).

                  Lots more examples of PL/Scope at livesql.oracle.com. Just search for "pl/scope" (duh).

                  这篇关于查找 SQL 中引用的列名和表名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How do I split flat file data and load into parent-child tables in database?(如何拆分平面文件数据并加载到数据库中的父子表中?)
                  How to import CSV into sqlite using RSqlite?(如何使用 RSqlite 将 CSV 导入 sqlite?)
                  Import CSV to Update rows in table(导入 CSV 以更新表中的行)
                  Importing MaxMind#39;s GeoLite2 to MySQL(将 MaxMind 的 GeoLite2 导入 MySQL)
                  Import / Export database with SQL Server Server Management Studio(使用 SQL Server Server Management Studio 导入/导出数据库)
                  How do you import a large MS SQL .sql file?(如何导入大型 MS SQL .sql 文件?)

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