
Best way to store working hours and query it efficiently(存储工作时间和高效查询的最佳方式)
First-time database design: am I overengineering?(首次数据库设计:我是否过度设计?)
Inventory management with stock options(带有股票期权的库存管理)
MySQL Relationships(MySQL 关系)
SQL Server, can#39;t insert null into primary key field?(SQL Server,不能在主键字段中插入空值?)
Is there a severe performance hit for using Foreign Keys in SQL Server?(在 SQL Server 中使用外键是否会严重影响性能?)
can we have a foreign key which is not a primary key in any other table?(我们可以有一个不是任何其他表中的主键的外键吗?)
Unique identifier (guid) as primary key in database design(唯一标识符(guid)作为数据库设计中的主键)
What does ON [PRIMARY] mean?(ON [PRIMARY] 是什么意思?)
List of Constraints from MySQL Database(MySQL 数据库中的约束列表)
When a new row in database is added, an external command line program must be invoked(在数据库中添加新行时,必须调用外部命令行程序)
SQL Unique constraint across multiple tables(跨多个表的 SQL 唯一约束)