Yield Return equivalent in SQL Server(SQL Server 中的等效收益返回)
best way to grant read only access to 2 tables in SQL Server 2005?(在 SQL Server 2005 中授予对 2 个表的只读访问权限的最佳方法?)
create oracle view based on comparision of data between two database tables(根据两个数据库表之间的数据比较创建oracle视图)
Select return dynamic columns(选择返回动态列)
How to determine if a column of a view is derived or constant?(如何确定视图的列是派生的还是常量?)
Oracle View vs joining tables in Oracle(Oracle 视图与 Oracle 中的连接表)
how to create a MySql query to display running balance from credit and debit where multiple customers have indivdual balances(如何创建一个 MySql 查询来显示多个客户有个人余额的贷方和借方的运行余额)
SQL Server Indexed Views vs Oracle Materialized View(SQL Server 索引视图与 Oracle 物化视图)
Is there a way to visually display a View in a database diagram in SQL Server 2008?(有没有办法在 SQL Server 2008 中的数据库图表中直观地显示视图?)
Do I need NO LOCK in my CREATE View query(我的 CREATE View 查询中是否需要 NO LOCK)
Oracle Create View issue(Oracle 创建视图问题)
How to find which views are using a certain table in SQL Server (2008)?(如何查找哪些视图正在使用 SQL Server (2008) 中的某个表?)