将 1 周添加到日期,首选哪种方式?

Add 1 Week to a Date, which way is preferred?(将 1 周添加到日期,首选哪种方式?)
本文介绍了将 1 周添加到日期,首选哪种方式?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在审查一些工作中的代码,并发现代码处理将当前时间增加 1 周的方式不一致,我想知道是否有任何理由真正应该优先于另一个:

I am reviewing some code at work and came across an inconsistency in how the code handles adding 1 week to the current time and was wondering if there was any reason why one should really be preferred over the other:


public static Date addDaysToDate(final Date date, int noOfDays) {
    Date newDate = new Date(date.getTime());

    GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, noOfDays);

    return newDate;


And the second used simple millisecond arithmetic:

long theFuture = System.currentTimeMillis() + (86400 * 7 * 1000);
Date nextWeek = new Date(theFuture);

第二种方法显然使用幻数"来定义一周,但这可以移动到一个常数 MILLISECONDS_IN_ONE_WEEK = 86400 * 7 * 1000 那么除此之外,还有什么原因这些方法中的哪一种应该优于其他方法?

The second method obviously uses 'magic numbers' to define a week, but this could be moved to a constant MILLISECONDS_IN_ONE_WEEK = 86400 * 7 * 1000 So other than that, is there any reasons why one of these methods should be preferred over the other?


Basically I want to change the code to be consistent throughout, but I'm not entirely sure which one to remove. So any arguments one way or the other would be useful.



The two methods will behave differently on daylight savings boundaries. The first method will continue returning the same time of the day, regardless of daylight savings status. The second method will return times which vary an hour in each direction as daylight savings time starts and stops.

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