
how to add days to java simple date format(如何在java简单日期格式中添加天数)


我应该如何将 120 天添加到我使用简单日期格式获得的当前日期?

How should I add 120 days to my current date which I got using simple date format?


I have seen few posts about it but couldn't get it to work,


SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
//get current date time with Date()
Date date = new Date();

我需要使用 Calendar 库还是只使用简单的日期格式?

Do I need to use the Calendar library or can I just do it with simple date format?


基本上,您可以简单地使用 Calendar,它能够根据更改自动滚动日期的各个字段例如单个字段...

Basically, you can simple use a Calendar which has the capacity to automatically roll the various fields of a date based on the changes to a single field, for example...

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 120);
date = cal.getTime();

仔细查看 日历 了解更多详情.

Take a closer look at Calendar for more details.

是的,有一种使用 Joda Time 的方法,但我可以更快地输入这个示例;)

Yes, there is a way to do this using Joda Time, but I could type this example quicker ;)

更新 JodaTime 示例

以下是使用 JodaTime 的示例.您可以直接使用 JodaTime 解析 String 值,但既然您已经这样做了,我就不打扰了...

The following is an example using JodaTime. You could parse the String value directly using JodaTime, but since you've already done that, I've not bothered...

Date date = ...;
DateTime dt = new DateTime(date);
dt = dt.plusDays(120);
date = dt.toDate();




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