Finding SMTP host and port knowing the e-mail address using JAVA API(使用 JAVA API 查找知道电子邮件地址的 SMTP 主机和端口)
How to change JavaMail port(如何更改 JavaMail 端口)
javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: failed to connect, no password specified?(javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException:连接失败,没有指定密码?)
send mail to Gmail account(向 Gmail 帐户发送邮件)
How can I recieive confirmation for delivered email with JavaMail API?(如何使用 JavaMail API 接收已发送电子邮件的确认?)
Threadsafety in Javamail(Javamail 中的线程安全)
What is the proper way to configure SMTPAppender in log4j?(在 log4j 中配置 SMTPAppender 的正确方法是什么?)
How to force JavaMailSenderImpl to use TLS1.2?(如何强制 JavaMailSenderImpl 使用 TLS1.2?)
Unable to send an email using SMTP (Getting javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not convert socket to TLS;)(无法使用 SMTP 发送电子邮件(获取 javax.mail.MessagingException:无法将套接字转换为 TLS;))
Java Mail mystery - SMTP blocked?(Java Mail 之谜 - SMTP 被阻止?)
How to Send bulk mails using javax.mail API efficiently? amp; Can we use reuse authenticated sessions to improve speed?(如何有效地使用 javax.mail API 发送批量邮件?amp;我们可以使用重用经过身份验证的会话来提高速度吗?) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技
JavaMail smtp properties (for STARTTLS)(JavaMail smtp 属性(用于 STARTTLS))