
Symfony Doctrine can#39;t find fixtures to load(Symfony Doctrine 找不到要加载的装置)
Unable to find the object manager associated with an entity of class quot;SomeBundleFolderSomeClassquot;(无法找到与类“SomeBundleFolderSomeClass的实体关联的对象管理器.)
How to sort own columns in admin panel with symfony?(如何使用 symfony 在管理面板中对自己的列进行排序?)
How can I get a database running on Symfony(如何让数据库在 Symfony 上运行)
Doctrine entity manager causing page to break(教义实体管理器导致页面中断)
Doctrine adds extra queries during hydration causing n+1 problem with quot;normalquot; one to one and self-referenced relations(Doctrine 在水合期间添加了额外的查询,导致“正常的 n+1 问题.一对一和自引用关系)
How to catch an id from sfUser?(如何从 sfUser 中获取 id?)
Doctrine findBy* methods and fetch array(教义 findBy* 方法和获取数组)
Building a generic OO ACL using Doctrine(使用 Doctrine 构建通用 OO ACL)
doctrine FindBy method with #39;OR condition#39;?(带有“或条件的学说 FindBy 方法?)
Doctrine Regular vs Fetch join(Doctrine Regular vs Fetch join)
Entity of type #39;AppBundleEntityUser#39; for IDs id(155) was not found(找不到 ID id(155) 的类型为“AppBundleEntityUser的实体)