
Spring Data Rest: RepositoryEventHandler methods not invoked(Spring Data Rest:未调用 RepositoryEventHandler 方法)
Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException: No Identifier Specified For Entity I don#39;t have a id in my table(Org.Hibernate.AnnotationException:没有为实体指定标识符我的表中没有 id)
Selectively expand associations in Spring Data Rest response(在 Spring Data Rest 响应中选择性地扩展关联)
Configure Multiple DataSource in Spring Boot with JNDI(在 Spring Boot 中使用 JNDI 配置多个数据源)
Spring Data JPA difference between findBy / findAllBy(Spring Data JPA findBy/findAllBy 的区别)
Understanding the Spring Data JPA @NoRepositoryBean interface(了解 Spring Data JPA @NoRepositoryBean 接口)
FetchMode join makes no difference for ManyToMany relations in spring JPA repositories(FetchMode join 对 Spring JPA 存储库中的 ManyToMany 关系没有影响)
Multiple jpa:repositories in xml config, how to configure with @EnableJPARepositories using Spring java config?(xml配置中的多个jpa:repositories,如何使用Spring java config配置@EnableJPARepositories?)
PageRequest constructors have been deprecated(PageRequest 构造函数已被弃用)
Conversion of List to Page in Spring(Spring中List到Page的转换)
How to beautifully update a JPA entity in Spring Data?(如何在 Spring Data 中漂亮地更新 JPA 实体?)
How To Configure MongoDb Collection Name For a Class in Spring Data(如何为 Spring Data 中的类配置 MongoDb 集合名称)