How to check if an integer is within a range of numbers in PHP?(如何检查一个整数是否在 PHP 中的数字范围内?)
int variable with leading zero?(带前导零的 int 变量?)
Long integer is transformed when inserted in shorter column, not truncated. Why? What is the formula?(长整数在插入较短的列时进行转换,而不是截断.为什么?公式是什么?)
Strange behaviour with numbers that have a leading zero(带有前导零的数字的奇怪行为)
How to get int instead string from form?(如何从表单中获取int而不是字符串?)
How to check if an integer is within a range?(如何检查整数是否在范围内?)
Converting a number (1, 2, 3) to a string (one, two, three) in PHP(在 PHP 中将数字(1、2、3)转换为字符串(一、二、三))
How can I have a 64-bit integer in PHP?(如何在 PHP 中有一个 64 位整数?)
MySQL integer field is returned as string in PHP(MySQL 整数字段在 PHP 中作为字符串返回)
How to convert 8209 array object variant to VT_VARIANT(如何将 8209 数组对象变量转换为 VT_VARIANT)
How to add an array with values in Symfony2 configuration?(如何在 Symfony2 配置中添加具有值的数组?)
How to get at runtime the route name in Symfony2 when using the yaml routes description?(使用 yaml 路由描述时,如何在运行时获取 Symfony2 中的路由名称?)