Constructor injection vs Field injection(构造函数注入与字段注入)
When is an IntStream actually closed? Is SonarQube S2095 a false positive for IntStream?(IntStream 何时真正关闭?SonarQube S2095 是 IntStream 的误报吗?)
Sonar complaining about logging and rethrowing the exception(声纳抱怨记录并重新抛出异常)
Setup sonar-runner for multiple java projects(为多个 java 项目设置 sonar-runner)
Sonar Violation: Security - Array is stored directly(声纳违规:安全 - 阵列直接存储)
New Integer vs valueOf(新整数与 valueOf)
How to improve performance of Updating data using JPA(如何提高使用 JPA 更新数据的性能)
hibernate partially update when entity parsed with json(使用 json 解析实体时休眠部分更新)
java - Multipile update statements in MySql(java - MySql 中的多个更新语句)
Too many bind arguments. 5 arguments were provided but the statement needs 4 arguments(绑定参数太多.提供了 5 个参数,但语句需要 4 个参数)
Hibernate @DynamicUpdate(value=true) @SelectBeforeUpdate(value=true) performance(休眠 @DynamicUpdate(value=true) @SelectBeforeUpdate(value=true) 性能)
Creating SQL batch updates from within Java(从 Java 中创建 SQL 批量更新)