
nginx and php-fpm socket owner(nginx 和 php-fpm 套接字所有者)
Codeigniter web app is not working with the linux but here on windows is fine(Codeigniter Web 应用程序不适用于 linux,但在 Windows 上很好)
yum install php-pear* on centos(yum 在 centos 上安装 php-pear*)
PHP loop acting as cronjob[ensure only one instance running](PHP 循环充当 cronjob[确保只运行一个实例])
PHP 5.3.8, JSON amp; CentOS 6(PHP 5.3.8、JSON 和中央操作系统 6)
How can I figure out why cURL is hanging and unresponsive?(如何找出 cURL 挂起且无响应的原因?)
file_put_contents not creating txt file(file_put_contents 未创建 txt 文件)
502 Gateway Errors under High Load (nginx/php-fpm)(高负载下的 502 网关错误 (nginx/php-fpm))
Where is the php.ini file on a Linux/CentOS PC?(Linux/CentOS PC 上的 php.ini 文件在哪里?)
Permission denied when logging on /var/log from a php script(从 php 脚本登录/var/log 时权限被拒绝)
Command line php mysqli fails but works via web server and works in local(命令行 php mysqli 失败但通过 Web 服务器工作并在本地工作)
Enable json_encode in PHP(在 PHP 中启用 json_encode)