
convert reference to pointer representation in C++(将引用转换为 C++ 中的指针表示)
What is definition of reference type?(引用类型的定义是什么?)
Use of #39;amp;#39; operator before a function name in C++( 的使用C++中函数名前的运算符)
How to identify failed casts using dynamic_cast operator?(如何使用 dynamic_cast 运算符识别失败的转换?)
C++ catching dangling reference(C++ 捕捉悬空参考)
Constructor for #39;#39; must explicitly initialize the reference member #39;#39;( 的构造函数必须显式初始化引用成员 )
Why is the derived class#39;s destructor invoked on a const reference to the base class?(为什么在对基类的 const 引用上调用派生类的析构函数?)
Why is it allowed to cast a pointer to a reference?(为什么允许将指针转换为引用?)
Is quot;rebindingquot; references in C++ like this legal?(是“重新绑定吗?C++ 中的引用像这样合法吗?)
Assign return value from function to a reference c++?(将函数的返回值分配给引用 C++?)
Why don#39;t I need to check if references are invalid/null?(为什么我不需要检查引用是否无效/空?)
Reference member variables as class members(将成员变量作为类成员引用)